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Location and Geography

The city states of Caulis are concentrated on the coast along the Bay of Xaan, or in the fertile river valleys of the Rivers Caul and Deynar. The Caul runs north into the Bay of Xaan from the Seymar (Golden) Mountains. The mighty Deynar runs south out of the Daarat Mountain range and along the western slopes of the Zaendtan Mountains in the south of Caulis, eventually emptying into Lake Delaen. The Aeleny River seperates Caulis from Aertepia to the east.

The large port city of Xadir sits at the mouth of the River Caul on the Bay of Xaan. It is the major center of trade and commerce for the region, a large metropolis of close to 30,000 residents from many of the surrounding regions and cultures. The other major port city of Caulis is Kalrax. Kalrax sits at the western end of the Bay of Xaan, in the crescent between the bay and the eastern slopes of the Daarat Mountains. The city state of Thritai in the south of Caulis was settled by the remnants of a barbarian tribe and is world-renowned for its leather goods. The south of Caulis is constantly harassed by the nomadic barbarian tribes of the Vaal grasslands.

People and Culture

The people of Caulis are commonly referred to as Caulisian, though the residents of each city-state tend to identify themselves by that place (i.e. Xadiri, Kalracian, Xarosian, Onaari, Zethian, etc). They are--in general--tall and slender; the average male stands 5'8", females 5'5". Hair typically is straight and tends toward black or brown, while skin tones are olive to light brown. Eyes are predominantly brown. Men prefer to maintain some kind of facial hair, always neatly trimmed, and wear their hair cropped short. Caulisian women are reknowned for their beauty, especially those from the Zaendtan Mountain region.

Caulisians are a friendly people, though they are tenacious traders and savor the art of haggling. They are not particularly aggressive, but will defend themselves and their lands when called upon to do so.

The city-states of Caulis are connected by bonds of commerce more than political or cultural ties. Northern Caulisians are predominantly traders and craftsman, relying on goods and raw materials from the southern part of Caulis and abroad; the city-states along the Bay of Xaan are among the wealthiest on the continent, offering great opportunity (and peril) to enterprising individuals. The city-states of Southern Caulis produce about 75% of the domesticated crops for the region, transporting the bulk of their agricultural goods north to sell in the ports or trade for more durable goods.


The main language is Caulisian. A regional dialect, Samedran, is spoken in the Deynar River valley and the southern foothills of the Daarat Mountains, which includes the city states of Samorad, Sekray, Thritai, Aldo, and Onaar. Many residents in the major trading ports of Xadir and Kalrax understand and/or speak rudimentary Ilkarian, Aertepian, and Lutian (in addition to Caulisian and Samredan).

Domesticated Crops

Olives, Chickpeas, Lentils, Onion, Eggplant, Pomegranates.

Common Herbs and Spices

Anise, Pepper and Cumin

Domesticated animals

Horses, Oxen, Dogs, Sheep, Goats and Turkey

Naming conventions

Male names often end in: umi, mut, muc, mun, ita, iga, isa, ust, suc, sun, isu.

Female names often end in: ina, ima, em, su, enna, ery

City States


Xadir: the largest city-state in Caulis, and perhaps the known world. A major trade hub.







Thritai: southernmost city-state. Major agricultural center, and famous for its leather goods.




Kalrax: second-largest city-state, and another major port city.

Aldo: smallest of the Caulisian city-states. A major producer of pepper.


Creator/s: count zero (Geography, Culture, Language), Amberjack (Crops, Spices, Animals)