K'cin Yella'hw
Incarnate7/Necrocarnate 3 STR 8 DEX 14 (6) CON 18 (10+level attribute points) INT 14 (6) WIS 16 (10) CHA 12 (4)
BAB +4
FORT +10 REF +5 WILL +11
Skills Bluff 3 (+5) Concentration 13 (+17) Knowledge (Arcana) 13 (+15) Knowledge (Religion) 13 (+15) Knowledge (The Planes) 10 (+12) Spellcraft 13 (+15)
Feats Bonus Essentia (pg 35 MofI) Expanded Soul Meld Capacity (pg 38 MofI) Necrocarnum Acolyte (pg 39 MofI) Split Chakra (Arms) (pg 41 MofI) Double Chakra (Brow) (pg 38 MofI)
Class Features Chakra Binds (Crown, Feet, Hands, Arms, Brow, Shoulders) (pg21 MofI) Aura (Evil) (pg 21 MofI) Detect Opposition (Good) (pg21 MofI) Expanded Soulmeld Capacity (pg22 MofI) Incarnum Radiance 1/day (pg22 MofI) Rapid Meldshaping 1/day (pg22 MofI) Share Incarnum Radiance (pg22 MofI) Harvest Soul (pg132 MofI) Necrocarnum Soulshield (pg132 MofI)
Essentia Pool 9 Soulmelds 5 Binds 2
+1 Mithral Shirt (2,100) +1 Dragonbane Light Mace (8,305) Circlet of Wisdom +4 (16,000) Amulet of Health +4 (16,000) Cloak of Resistance +2 (4,000) Hewards Handy Haversack (2,000) Quarls Feather Token, Tree X3 (1200)