Talk:Mano a Mano

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Revision as of 18:22, 26 June 2008 by (talk) (Character Sheet)
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Mano a Mano 2009

  • CP will be "spent" like money. During template and character generation CP can be tallied on scratch paper.
  • Experience - whether measured in CP or smaller units - will not be on the character sheet.
  • Speed, agility, power, toughness and ability levels should have a character creation limit which is less than the maximum levels characters can develop.
  • Character creation and development limits can vary between campaigns (a superhero game for example.)
  • If the consequences of disabilities are easily avoided, then they should not have a negative CP value. Players need the GMs permission to add disabilities which aren't built into the game's templates. Characters should not have more than two disabilities.
  • Characters can be male or female unless the template lists different options.
  • Characters can be youths, adults or old people within normal size variance. To make a small child character without changing the template, reduce the mass, length, health and power to less than the template's variance suggests.
  • The occupations rules say occupations can come with equipment. In character creation we can suggest starting occupations as a way to provide starting equipment.
  • In addition to equipment acquired by occupations and craftsmanship, we can also suggest that a game can have other ways to provide characters with equipment, like spending money and finding treasure.
  • The occupations example shows characters being awarded with a certain CP-worth of equipment. Instead we should say something like "in this example each item is worth it's CP value in small silver coins. The knight is rewarded with equipment whose value in coins equals the robber's CP."
  • We might want to call the "reach" feature "distance", "leverage" or "control" because heavy weapons and flexible weapons don't have it.

Success Rolls

Roll a 20-sided die (1d20), two 10-sided dice (2d10) or three 6-sided dice (3d6). The action is successful if the roll plus success modifiers is greater than the difficulty. The difficulty of an action is 10 plus difficulty modifiers. The action is automatically successful any time you roll a 20 on 1d20, a 19 or 20 on 2d10, or 16, 17 or 18 on 3d6. (Automatic success is based on the "raw" die roll before adding success modifiers.)


  • template agility goes from -5 to 5
  • average (human) template agility is 0
  • characters can have up to 2 more agility than their template
  • each point of template agility is worth 15 CP
  • each point of extra agility is worth 10 CP


  • maximum template ability level is 3
  • characters can have up to 9 more ability levels than their template
  • each template ability level is worth 8 CP
  • each extra ability level is worth 5 CP

circumstance modifiers

  • add 4 to the difficulty modifiers for very unfavorable circumstances
  • add 2 to the difficulty modifiers for unfavorable circumstances
  • add 2 to the success modifiers for favorable circumstances
  • add 4 to the success modifiers for very favorable circumstances

other modifiers

  • add 2 to a weapon's combat modifier if a weapon has the reach feature
  • add 2 to the success modifiers of grappling attacks with a weapon that has the grapple feature

New Armor System

Subtract the best absorption of the character's armor from the damage of all attacks unless the attacker chooses to avoid the armor. If the attacker avoids the armor, add the armor's cover to the difficulty of the attack. The attacker can avoid specific peices of armor. For example, suppose a defender is wearing a padded coat with 3 absorption and 5 cover and a helmet with 5 absorption and 1 cover. If an attacker tries to avoid the helmet, but allows his attacks to hit the coat, then the difficulty of the attacks are increased by 1 (the helmet's cover) and 3 damage is subtracted from the power of each attack (the coat's absorption.)

Character Sheet

Name                                                        Portrait
Age        Sex        Template                   
Abilities & Qualities  Mod                       
                        /    Mass         /    kg
                        /    Length       /    m 
                        /    Length Type         
                        /    Variability         
                        /    Speed        /      
                        /    Agility      /      
                        /    Power        /      
                        /    Toughness    /      
                        /    CP Value     /      
Equipment & Natural Defenses Features                   Mass Heft  Power  Cmb

Carrying Capacity      kg     Ground Movement       m     Melee Defense      
Equipment Mass         kg     Water Movement        m     Missile Defense    
Encumbrance                   Air Movement          m
                              Climbing Movement     m

______________________________                 ______________________________
                              |  Healthy      |
              Stun            |_______________|            Damage

Compact Characters

Some games will have some characters who only need a little bit of information instead of full character sheets. A common example is stock villains and monsters which only need combat stats and sometimes a few special qualities or abilities. There are at least two situations where having a compact representation of characters can be useful:

  1. Battle-on-a-page where two facing pages of an RPG book contain everything a player or GM needs to play one side (the "NPC" side) of a battle. Sometimes this will only require a single character who fits on one page with a full character sheet. But if it involves more than 2 characters and the information that fits on their character sheets, then a full sized character sheet won't work.
  2. Book-of-beasties which contains dozens of creatures which need to be playable. Most of these creatures won't have equipment or need any kind of character development. On the other hand you may want templates for each critter. A full character sheet would allow you to have a character and template together, and there may be very little difference between a template and a playable character anyway.
  3. A different type of compact character is a "how to" format for beginning players, explaining how to do basic actions in terms of what dice to roll.

Random Damage Variant

For each successful attack roll the smallest die or combination of dice whose maximum total is equal to or greater than the attack power. Depending on the dice available you could use a 4-sided die for 1, 2, 3 or 4 power, a 6-sided die for 5 or 6 power, an 8-sided die for 7 or 8 power, a 10-sided die for 9 or 10 power, a 12-sided die for 11 or 12 power, a 20-sided die for 13 to 20 power, two 20-sided dice for 21 to 40 power and three 20-sided dice for 41 to 60 power. The damage and stun caused by the attack is the roll or the attack power, whichever is less.

Editing Character Sheet

If you change the character sheet format when editing any of the following, you must update the others:

Be sure you know which character sheet you are updating:

  • The template creation example includes both the blank character sheet and the example template.
  • The character creation example includes both the example template and the example character sheet.