RTT Ranger

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Individuals who routinely face hazards out-of-doors.


Roll Int 6+

  • -1 DM for every previous career.


Choose one of the following:

  • Hunter: [Survival End 6+, Advancement Int 5+] You tended wildlands, herds, or game stocks, sought specimens, and guided expeditions.
  • Rescue: [Survival Str 6+, Promotion Int 6+] You worked as a firefighter, or in a search & rescue unit.
  • Transport: [Survival Dex 5+, Advancement Edu 7+] You operated a vehicle service for sparsely-settled districts (e.g. bush pilot, ferry operator).


Personal Development

  • 1) +1 Str
  • 2) +1 Dex
  • 3) +1 End
  • 4) +1 Int
  • 5) Athletics (any)
  • 6) Jack of All Trades

Service Skills

  • 1) Athletics (any)
  • 2) Comms
  • 3) pick one of Drive, Flyer, or Seafarer (any)
  • 4) Navigation
  • 5) Recon
  • 6) Survival

Advanced Education (Minimum Education 8)

  • 1) Heavy Weapons (any)
  • 2) Mechanic
  • 3) Remote Operations
  • 4) Science (any)
  • 5) Sensors
  • 6) Vacc Suit

Specialist: Hunter

  • 1) Animals (any)
  • 2) Gun Combat (archery, shotgun, or slug rifle)
  • 3) Life Science (biology)
  • 4) Recon
  • 5) Stealth
  • 6) Survival

Specialist: Rescue

  • 1) Investigate
  • 2) Medic
  • 3) Recon
  • 4) Sensors
  • 5) Streetwise
  • 6) Tactics (emergency)

Specialist: Transport

  • 1) Broker
  • 2) Comms
  • 3) pick one of Drive, Flyer, or Seafarer (any)
  • 4) Mechanic
  • 5) Navigation
  • 6) Steward



  • 0) Chaser
  • 1) Pro (Survival 1)
  • 2) -
  • 3) Guide (Recon !)
  • 4) -
  • 5) -
  • 6) Warden (Admin 1)


  • 0) Assistant
  • 1) Station Officer (Medic 1)
  • 2) Senior Officer (Tactics (emergency) 1)
  • 3) Lieutenant
  • 4) Captain (Leadership 1)
  • 5) Chief (Admin 1)
  • 6) Commissioner (+1 Soc)


  • 0) -
  • 1) - (pick one of Drive, Flyer, or Seafarer (any) 1)
  • 2) -
  • 3) Experienced (Jack of All Trades 1)
  • 4) -
  • 5) -
  • 6) -


  • 1) Severely injured. (This is the same as a result of 2 on the Injury table.) Alternatively, roll twice on the Injury table (page 37) and take the lower result.
  • 2) Your license is revoked. Roll Advocate 8+. If you succeed, you may keep the Benefit roll from this term.
  • 3) A job gets nasty, and you lose your nerve. Reduce your Intelligence or Social Standing by 1.
  • 4) A major storm or accident strands you in the open for an extended period. Roll Survival 8+. If you succeed, increase any skill you have by one level. If you fail, reduce one physical characteristic by 1.
  • 5) You are blamed for negligence that causes the death of several teammates. If you were responsible, then you keep your Benefit roll from this term, but you gain an Enemy among the survivors or next of kin. If you were not responsible, you get one free skill roll before you are dismissed from the career, as your pride drives you to prove your critics wrong.
  • 6) Injured. Roll on the Injury table.


  • 2) Disaster! Roll on the Mishap table, but you are not ejected from this career.
  • 3) Natural disaster or war strikes your homeworld, and you are caught up in the maelstrom. Gain one of Explosives 1, Leadership 1, Recon 1 or Streetwise 1. Make a Tactics 8+ roll. If you succeed, you gain command of the situation; when it's over, you've made 1d3 Contacts. If you fail, roll on the Mishap table, and muster out of this career.
  • 4) You get stuck in a desk job. Gain one of Admin 1, Advocate 1, Comms 1 or Computer 1.
  • 5) You travel to many other worlds. Gain a Contact and one level in Language (any), Life Science (biology), Social Science (sophantology), or Space Science (xenology).
  • 6) You spend time working on an orbital habitat or lab ship. Gain one of Engineer (any) 1, Pilot (Ship's Boat) 1, Vacc Suit 1, or Zero-Gravity 1.
  • 7) Life Event. Roll on the Life Events table (page 34).
  • 8) You receive advanced training in a specialist field. Throw Education 8+ to increase any one skill you already have by one level.
  • 9) Someone holds a grudge against you, but you get free drinks off the story. Gain a +1 DM to one Benefit roll and one level in Carouse or Gambling, but also gain a Rival.
  • 10) You go above and beyond the call of duty. Gain a +2 DM to your next Advancement check.
  • 11) An important personage owes you their life. You may take them as an Ally, or gain a +4 DM to your next Advancement roll thanks to their influence.
  • 12) Your exploits are legendary. You are automatically promoted.



  • 1) Cr1,000
  • 2) Cr2,000
  • 3) Cr5,000
  • 4) Cr10,000
  • 5) Cr15,000
  • 6) Cr30,000
  • 7) Cr50,000


  • 1) Animal Companion: generate a random animal; it is well-trained and loyal to you.
  • 2) Scientific Equipment
  • 3) +1 Int
  • 4) Contact
  • 5) Armor or Gun
  • 6) Vehicle: choice of air/raft, ATV, small boat, etc. Subsequent receipts may take appropriate skill instead.
  • 7) Ship Share