Imperium galactica:races:kraxila

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Kraxila (New Race)

The kraxila (sing. kraxil) was the first and only attempt to create a spices that could resist the forces of the supernatural. The arcano-scientists of the empire infused tiny amounts of pseudo-energy in several members of various races and set them free on a remote and isolated planet to see if it would function like a vaccine. 800 years later the project was evaluated and deemed an utter failure since the subjects descendants still were mutating from generation to generation and almost all newborn were born with some kind of deformation. So the decision was made to sterilize the entire planet with fusion bombs. But the destruction was stopped by direct intervention by the emperor and all of the members of the race was given the rights of citizens of the empire and they were given the name of the planet they were made on Kraxila.

Now more than 12,000 years after their creation the kraxila still mutate from generation to generation. Some scientists have noted that the deformities seems to stay with a family and it seems like the deformities are stabilizing. It is estimated that within 8000-10000 years that the kraxila will become a stable race.

The kraxila stands about 1,6m of height and weighs around 50 kg, but there is a big difference from the tallest to the shortest and from the lightest to the heaviest. They have dark skin ranging form light brown to almost pitch balck.

  • +2 dex, -2 cha. A kraxil is nimble but is considered a socially outcast.
  • A kraxil must make a roll on the deformation table below when first created
  • +4 to save vs. spells, supernatural abilities, spell-like abilities, poisons, etc. from pseudonatural creatures.
  • Low light vision