The Four Queens Gang

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The Four Queens Gang

Everyone´s eyes turn toward the foursome that has just materialized in their midst. A quarter of tall, aggressive girls that could charitably be described as being dressed in the school uniform - though dressed is an overstatement in this case, as the skirts seem altogether too short (showing off panty flash at the slightest movement!) and the shirts seem to miss a few buttons too many. The leader, a bottle-blonde beauty with intricate tattoos on her hands and thigh,pulls out a cigarette from a minuscule hand bag and gets it lit by her lietunant."So he´s going for the ganger skank, huh?"

"Well, we consider it nothing less than a thrown glove - a spit in the face of the Four Queens Squad!" She hooks a finger inside the hem of her skirt as she blows a circle of smoke. "Mark my words - we will *have* Iron Seraph before long. *Repeatedly.*” The four girls grin like razor-toothed´predators as the other girls huddle down, scared silent.

-Argent, NH2 post #1356

The Four Queens Gang are four best friends (and their various hangarounds) who have gathered together for mutual power. Cheerleading is not so hot in ZZ City, but if it were - well, these girls would be there. They are ruthless and good-looking, and know how to use the power of eye candy and sexual conquest for their own good.

Naturally, they´re eyeing Iron Seraph as another notch on their bedposts - though their ambitions does not end there, by any stretch.

They are led by the incomparable Rumble Rose. The Queens´ situation have become more complicated by the arrival of their earlier member, the former "fifth Queen" Glorious Bamboo Dawn.