Chantal Chandler

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Real Name: Chantal Chandler

Code Name: Doesn't have one.

Age: 18

Race: Human

Appearance: Chantal is a young brunette with wide and inquisitive eyes. Giving her a sort of childish appearance and her diminutive stature many would find her constant attempts to meet people on even footing (standing on tip-toes, climbing on chairs) to be rather humerus and cute.

Powers: None. Chantal is an ordinary human through and trough. However she DOES have one particular fact about her that could make her SOMEWHAT of a superhero. She's not fearless or strong... it's just that she has a bad case of Jimmy Olsen Syndrome. Whenever a villain appears in Freedom City with the power to control minds or manipulate people into his loyal servants. Chantal is going to be one of, if not the FIRST affected.

A magical artifact appears that can turn whoever wears it into an incarnation of a sun deity who'll bring about the end of night? There's a 80% chance Chantal will find it and be turned into the evil sun god. If there's a mad scientist with access to cybernetic materials who needs a good test subject he can control? Guess who he choses. Chantal is basically drawn to being affected by body modification, mind control and temporary bursts of superpowers so much she might as well be a hero herself if it wasn't for the fact such powers typically disappear once she's given her free will back and doesn't remember any of it.

Weaknesses: Her powers are pretty much a weakness.

Background: Chantal was born outside of Freedom city in the same neighborhood as Gil Leeds (AKA Izdubar) and grew up with the son of Centurion most of her life. Though she's completely unaware of Gil's powers and relation to Centurion she values Gil's friendship as he's the only one she has left.

Chantal and Gil had gone to the same Elementary, Junior and Highschool for most of their life. Once they both graduated from High school almost all of Chantal's friends wound up moving to another city or going out of touch with her. Only she and Gil are going to FCU now and she's quickly looking to make new friends.

Chantal has another unique trait in that she's ridiculously indecisive about what her profession will be. Every week she's studying and planning for a new career and she's constantly changing her mind on what she wants to be. One week a police officer, the other week a fireman and she's constantly changing it. It's really no wonder that Gil is mostly annoyed by her antics.

Personality: Chantal is somewhat goofy and childish in mannerism. Which matches her appearance to a tee. She's constantly energetic about what she does and puts a lot of emphasis in the importance of her actions. Whether or not this childishness is an indication of her upbringing or just hardwired into her isn't known.

Quote: Do not fear! I am here to save the day!

Halt Evil Doer!