Gilda "Granny" Greentooth

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A Song For Navonne

Middle-Aged Goblin, Cloistered Cleric 4

STR 10 (Base 13 [Cost 5] -1 age -2 Gob) bonus +0 DEX 13 (Base 12 [Cost 4] -1 age +2 Gob) bonus +1 CON 12 (Base 13 [Cost 5] -1 age) bonus +1 INT 16 (Base 15 [Cost 8] +1 age) bonus +3 WIS 16 (Base 15 [Cost 8] +1 age) bonus +3 CHA 18 (Base 14 [Cost 6] +1 age +2 Gob +1 Lev 4) bonus +4

Vitality: ## Wounds: ## BAB: ## FORT: ## REF: ## WILL: ##

Skills: (CC/Fig/Abil/Misc|Tot)

Climb (Str) 0+0+1+2 = +3, Craft (Alchemy) (Int) 4+1+1+4 = +10, Craft (Gonnes) (Int) 4+3+1+4 = +12(+14 with tools; +16 if metal and stone), Diplomacy (Cha) 4+2+1+4 = +11, Knowledge (Local) (Int) 4+1+3+1 = +8, Knowledge (Arcana) (Int) 2+1+3+2 = +8, Knowledge (Noblity) (Int) 4+1+3+1 = +9, Knowledge (Engineer) (Int) 3+2+3+2 = +10, Knowledge (Religon) (Int) 3+1+3+1 = +8, Ride (Dex) 0+4+2+0 = +6, Sense Motive (Wis) 2+2+3+2 = +9, Spellcraft (Int) 2+0+1+0 = +3


Other Abilities:

Spellcasting:(Domains: Knowledge, ########, #####)

Base: 3/1+1/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-

Bonus: -/1/1/1/-/-/-/-/-/-

A goblin witch of traveller origin.


Class: Traveller

Renown: +X(+XX)

Equipment: Purse of XXXgp/month. TEXT

Special Equipment:

Alchemical Equipment:

Other Equipment: EXAMPLE: 10 GP worth of miscellanous Adventuring Gear (Backpack, Rope and the like) and 50 GP pocket change

Followers: XXXXXXXXX