SatCoC player Bill

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The final act of play for each player, including the one that just ended the The Batman’s life, is to narrate an Epilogue for their character. There is one global constraint on Epilogues: the narrations may not deprotagonize another minion. That is, an Epilogue cannot be narrated in such a way that undermines the emotional and intellectual investment that other game participants might have in a given minion’s endeavors. Most typically, a violation of this constraint would be a player trying to say how the minion of another player is killed off, or how significant foils of that minion are killed or ruined in some way. And there is one interpreted constraint, which is determined according to the following scheme: 1. Weariness greater than Reason plus Self-loathing: The minion flees/runs/wanders off, giving up on his struggle. Long work for the The Batman has discouraged the minion to where it just cannot bear to go on. 2. Self-loathing plus Weariness greater than Love plus Reason: The minion is killed 3. Self-loathing greater than Weariness plus Reason: The minion destroys itself 4. Love plus Reason greater than Self-loathing plus Weariness: The minion integrates itself into the society of Townspeople 5. Love equals zero: The minion emerges from the ashes of the Endgame as a force of Fear in his/her own right Volya is torn apart by a mob 6. Self-loathing plus Weariness equals Love plus Reason: The minion finds a new The Batman to serve If two or more of these six conditions are satisfied by a given minion’s traits, the choice of which one of them to use for the character’s Epilogue rests entirely with the player. It’s also not a bad idea to figure out which of these six conditions apply to the minion responsible for the death of the The Batman before that death actually gets described, just in case that minion’s player wants to incorporate his character’s self-destruction or something in with the The Batman’s own final scene. And note that beyond the two constraints, a minion’s Epilogue is entirely open to whatever the player wishes to include. So, the minion destroys itself. How does it do that? Who discovers the body? The minion is killed. Who does the deed? Love letters can be discovered by favored Connections, whatever the player wishes, as long as the constraints are satisfied.