SatCoC player Bill

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Absent Love, the life of a minion is a hard one. You don’t have the strength to resist the The Batman, or the ability to aid other minions in their struggles. And it’s almost certain that you’ll have an unhappy ending. A minion gains a point of Love attached to a Connection by making an overture to that character. Essentially, the player informs the GM that the minion wants to act on a specific Connection, and the GM frames the scene, putting the characters into a location together and describing the circumstances as he sees fit. From there, the minion’s effort of emotional risk is roleplayed by the player, and the dice are thrown. The minion rolls Reason minus Selfloathing against the target of the overture rolling Fear minus Reason: minion (REASON minus SELF-LOATHING) vs. connection (FEAR minus REASON) If the minion fails the roll, he gets a point of Self-loathing, and the scene is roleplayed with a shared understanding that the NPC’s reaction should deliver a blow to the minion’s self-esteem. However, failing the roll or not, the minion still gets the Love point he was after. He has demonstrated his humanity, regardless of the outcome. And of course, if the minion’s roll was successful, the scene is roleplayed out to reflect incremental development of a shared emotional bond. EX: Gregor the hunchback’s player tells the GM he wants a scene with one of his Connections, an NPC named Catharine whose singing Gregor enjoys. The GM describes Gregor coming upon Catharine at the well in the center of town, singing as she draws water. The player considers the situation for a moment, and then roleplays Gregor approaching Catharine and presenting her with a skinned rabbit. The dice are thrown and the GM’s roll is higher. ‘Meat, on a Friday?’ improvises the GM. The player increments the Love Gregor has attached to Catharine, and his Self-loathing. ‘Make it on Saturday,’ blurts Gregor, his lip quivering, before he flees the clearing. Players can invent new Connections, or declare previously revealed NPCs to be Connections, at any time. And this includes NPCs that might already be Connections for the minion characters of other players. But they remain empty of Love for the minion naming them until an overture is made.