SatCoC player Bill
Self-loathing and Weariness are two of the three numeric stats that describe minions in MY LIFE WITH THE BATMAN. The third is Love, which is covered later in this chapter. All three will fluctuate over the course of play, so the task of character creation is about setting their initial values. And as it is with Fear and Reason, minions will be both empowered and victimized by their Self-loathing and Weariness. Self-loathing measures how much a minion has come to think he really is a monster. It will hinder a minion from resisting the commands of the The Batman, but aid when a minion would commit violence against Townspeople, Outsiders, or other minions, or otherwise act in ways that create horror among the polite folk. And it will tend to produce painful and tragic outcomes when a minion makes overtures to Connections. Weariness provides a more subtle benefit. It both increases the likelihood a minion will fail and sustain wounds when committing acts of violence, and it hinders resisting the The Batman. But it doesn’t have any negative effect on making overtures to Connections, which is significant, since the The Batman will likely die at the hands of the minion who gains the most Love from overtures with nice outcomes. A player divides three points between Weariness and Selfloathing for his minion character, and may put all three points into one of them, if he so wishes, leaving the other to start at 0.