A character for SpyCraft2.0, created by Anonymous*.
Peregrine was made as a pre-gen for a street-level Spycraft2.0 game, with a basic theme of 'organised/supported vigilante action'. The supporting agency isn't finalised yet, all that's currently know is it's name: NEMO (latin for "no one")
Character Stats
Erin "Peregrine" Price. Gifted Thrill-seeker. Wheelman 1
Str 12 Dex 18 Con 14 Wis 12 Int 12 Cha 8
Feats: Lightning reflexes(origin), daredevil(class), Speed demon(lvl1)
class features: Driven, custom ride
Weapon proficiencies: Blunt, handgun, shotgun, sub-machine gun, vehicle weapons
ranks bonus total E/T name
4 1 6/9 1/20 acrobatics
4 1 6/6 1/20 athletics
4 2 10 1/18 drive
2 0 3/3 1/20 electronics
4 1 6/6 1/19 mechanics
4 0 5 1/20 notice
2 0 3 1/20 security
2 0 6 1/20 sneak
2 0 3/1 1/20 streetwise
cultures: North America focuses: standard ground vehicles(thrill-seeker), heavy ground vehicles(Int), rotary wing aircraft(4 ranks) forte: standard ground vehicles(thrill-seeker)
Interests: racing (watching and doing), cars (researching and fixing)**
Wealth: lifestyle:1/spending cash:2/possessions:1
Mission gear: 1v (-1 due to Cha) Personal gear: (1x cal2, 2x cal1)
- Cal2 Raid Jacket (DR: 2/4 due to errata, no upgrade)
- Cal1 Mechanics kit
- Cal1 Beretta 92 pistol (chosen due to low recoil, 15M4 ammo)
common items: 12
Cash: 400$ things to buy: melee stungun 75$ average-appearance clothes etc 50$ sap 20$
Lifestyle: Erin lives in a double garage (with electricity and cold running water) Appearance: (-2) pays little attention to clothing and appearance, most/all her clothes are dirty/damaged from working on cars etc. vehicle: 1x Cal1. TBC (depends on team size and if anyone else is bringing a vehicle)
Character Description
Erin "Peregrine" Price, is an intense-looking young woman. She is of medium height and athletic build, with short brown hair (when it's not stained with engine oil).
Her clothing varies. At default, her clothes are all worn, occasionally ripped and irrevocably stained with engine oil and grease. About half of her clothes are cheap jeans/t-shirts/overalls but the other half are normal clothes that have been worked in until they are out of place anywhere but a garage. When on important work, Erin will buy new clothes and accessories to make herself presentable and not instantly out of place.
In NEMO actions, Erin naturally acts as the lead driver, possessing great skill in that area. She is also a decent combatant and her thrill-seeking nature puts her near the front of firefights.
When not working for NEMO she works on her vehicle(s), works as a mechanic-for-hire or goes driving/racing.
This character was thought up for a pre-gen for a street-level Spycraft2.0 game. Despite not reading the book for a good few months, everything made sense during the creation process. The part that took the longest was assigning skills and balancing personal gear (due to the low Cha, gear was rather limited, so my choice was to plow wealth into cash, then buy the cheap options to balance Erin's gear)
'Gifted' (+2dex -2cha, bonus skill: sneak, threat skill: drive) and 'thrill-seeker' made perfect sense for the origin, her gift making her focused and effective, but blocking out distractions like other people.
She's first level and her low Cha has limited some of her choices, notably her lifestyle of 1 means she has crappy accommodation, a vehicle with no upgrades and dresses like she's homeless (-2 to a bunch of social reactions), I'm interpreting this as dressing her in totally grease-stained clothes, this means people will react to her normally in a garage environment, but react badly when they realise she doesn't actually have any clean clothes at all.
*This is my very first Wiki mod ever, so i'm posting Anon in case I screw it up.
** yes, this is cheesy, but it certainly fits.