"Right now, the moment I begin telling you this - this was the moment 22 years ago when humanity was struck by an alien attack we couldn't begin to understand. This is Bliss Day.
It was the first blow of a terrible war. 15 years ago, armed with technology they couldn't have understood and could barely even use, our fathers and mothers, then no older than we were, struck back.
And our parents won.
...Won enough time, at least, to ensure that we would finish the job."
-- Archer Lin, Manhattan Resistance Pilot 02.
Children of Children is a Bliss Stage Play By Post game, set 22 years after RIGHT NOW and 15 years after the events of Final Act seven years from now, featuring the children of the characters from Final Act, carrying on the fight their parents began.
General Info
Pilots and Anchors
/AriannaSmith - Innocent Sweetheart - Anchored by /Jessica - Savvy /NoahCPorter - Eager Young Soldier - Anchored by /Celine - Kind /JonSmith - Rising Hero - Anchored by /Lily - Comforting /CaseyLin - Carefree Hedonist - Anchored by /Karen - ?? /ArcherLin - Seasoned Veteran - Anchored by /SophieTendoCaine - Driven
Other Resistance Members
/SaraPrestonSmith, the Authority Figure /Vic, a kid /Allie, a kid /Issac, a toddler /Anna, a kid who wants to be a pilot /Ethan, a teenager /Megan, Casey's adopted daughter