Calhoun Baenart male Dúnedàin Ranger

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Calhoun Baenart Male Dúnedàin (Arnor) Warrior 6 (Ranger)

Initiative +3 Speed 30ft

Defense (role +6, shield +2, str/dex +2/3): Parry 20, Dodge 21, Flat 16

Attack [role +6, dex +3] +11 melee (masterwork longsword, dmg +6, crit 19-20/+3) +9 ranged (bow, dmg +5, crit 20/+4, range 100ft)

Saving Throws: Toughness +2 (+4 with armor) Fort +6 Reflex +5 Will +4

Alignment: Light; Nature (light): Determined, (shadow): Dour Calling: Champion of the Common people Reputation: +1 Conviction: 6 Wealth: +4

Attributes Strength +2 Dexterity +3 Constitution +1 Intelligence +1 Wisdom +2 Charisma +0

Skills Climb +8, Knowledge (geography) +5, (nature) +10, Notice +11, Ride +10, Sneak +12, Survival +14

Feats Armor Training (light), Attack Focus (longsword), Attack Specialization (longsword), Favored Foe (Orc), Shield Training, Skill Focus (Survival), Toughness, Track, Trackless, Trailblazer, Weapon Training

Core Ability: Higher Guidance Traits: Adaptable, the Dominion of Man, Skilled Speech: Westron, Sindarin and Eastling

Equipment: Mastercraft studded leather (tough +2, ACP -0; cost 19), Masterwork Longsword, Bow (str +2) w/ 20 arrows, Masterwork Wooden Shield (-1 ACP), Grey and green traveling cloths and gear Profession: Ranger (survival)