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Revision as of 18:02, 7 September 2008 by Bliss Authority (talk | contribs)
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Lily, who we found washed ashore one day. A voracious reader, she was soon familiar with the psychological and mechanical tools necessary to handle the creches.

In my continuing attempts to make the demographics of the Resistance mirror those of TIJCC, would Lily's player at all object to her being explicitly of Puerto Rican descent with the surname Seda? - Bliss Authority

Sleeping with, and has deep romantic feelings for, Jon - but has recently slept with Noah on the side, not to mention Casey's continued and in some cases successful bids to seduce her. What's her take on this? - Bliss Authority

Currently Unharmed.

Anchor Ability: Comforting. Once per Mission Action, Lily's player can re-roll any one die that Jon's player has placed in a category Threatened or Endangered by Trauma.