Queen Alusan A'Winterweir

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Pathfinder Stats[edit]

Alignment: Neutral Good

Race: Human

Class: Wizard 9/Aristocrat 2


  • Strength 12
  • Dexterity 14
  • Constitution 12
  • Intelligence 18
  • Wisdom 8
  • Charisma 16


Queen Alusan is pretty, short, but otherwise unremarkable woman that sees no real need to appear that way to the outside world. Queen Alusan has a dizzying array of cosmetics and disguise tools (including magic) that allows her to appear in a quite bizarre array of forms. Queen Alusan, bless her soul, is not exactly on the humble side and they tend to be the dazzlingly beautiful.

One should look no farther than Final Fantasy's bevy of beauties for typical Alusan disguises.


Queen Alusan is an absolute genius when it comes to magical studies and analysis of data. Unfortunately, Parliament has surrounded her with a nearly impenetrable wall of advisors due to the fact that she's quite sure that Queens should act like Empress Alacarn (minus the love for women) and be great conquering heroines.

This leads her to making use of her own manufactured Homonculi or disguised handmaidens so she can journey amongst the common folk to adventure. Unlike in other settings, this sends many into apoxoleptic shock even when it's only in the city.

Queen Alusan is also known for her amorous qualities.


Queen Alusan is a remarkably powerful wizardess, by Winterweir standards. It is all the more impressive given her relatively young age. Furthermore, Alusan has access to a tremendous assortment of magical items from her position as Queen. Alusan is actually a reasonably good ruler as well, given that she's tirelessly a champion of the people.


The daughter of King Hrothbert's brother, Admiral Daelin, and a Witch of the Fallen World. Queen Alusan is one of a number of children from Admiral Daelin and is not the eldest. This move was done by invoking an obscure rule of Parliament that allows them to select a monarch from an available pool of the Royal Household. Alusan was chosen because she was pleasant and unambitious versus the much fiercer siblings.

Alusan has, unfortunately for Parliament, proven incredibly popular with the people. Most of Parliament's controversial reforms have been championed by her to the point that they have mutated into something even they are uncomfortable with. Also, she has proven a tireless enemy of Amania to the South. Unfortunately, that was exactly what the government was hoping to avoid given Hrothbert's own madness.

Alusan is very peculiar in Winterweir for the fact that she champions the Realm as a place where all races should be allowed to interact in peace and brotherhood. Given her two year reign is not nearly enough to determine such a thing, she's nevertheless managed to help make Alfein far more welcome to a diversity of peoples that she hopes will eventually be a beacon beyond Winterweir.

It would help, of course, were not Alusan easily distracted by the prospects of WAR WITH THE HEATHEN!

(Winterweir) In Search of the Unknown