Lotus and Allium:LSD

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Calypso Stave, Power of LSD


Aspect 0 (5 MPs)
Domain 4 (5 MPs)
Realm 1 (5 MPs)
Spirit 3 (5 MPs)


Charismatic (1 MPs)

You can’t but help like Calypso and pretty much everyone does excepting powerful beings like other Nobles, Excrucians and Imperators and people who know she has lied to or harmed her. (Works like Glorious, except a less powerful Gift.)



Distractable (1 MP)

Calypso can get pretty scatterbrained at times.

Memorable (1 MP)

Once met, never forgotten.

Revelatory trait (1 MP)

When Calypso uses her Estate to do more than create Ghost Miracles, she conveys an acid aura which lingers on her. Strange tonalities twist into her voice, the color of her hair and skin tone shift into myriad subtle colors, the texture of her skin and even the minute short hairs on her body acquire fascinating and intricate detail.


Ungovernable: Calypso submits to no law but her own.


The Code of the Wild


A ring of Heavenly Blue Morning Glory and Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds (both containing LSA, a chemical related to LSD), surrounding a three-fold design of a white violet (symbolically, “let’s take a chance”), purple carnation (capriciousness and whimsy) and a red poppy (pleasure and oblivion) against a swirling psychedelic background.


4 Her Estate
4 Her worldwide extended family of friends and acquaintances
3 Psychedelics generally
3 Hatred of authority
3 Her familia
2 Her Imperator
1 Dance music


(To come)


During the late 1990's, by mortal reckoning, a special variant on LSD-25, called LSD-25+ (street name: Plus) circulated all over the Earth. Plus ripped apart the minds of everyone who took it or caused fatal overdoses. Because of this, Plus acquired the darkest of reputations. Only a fool would take it. The Imperator enNobled the only person foolish enough to take Plus and strong enough of spirit to have survived it. Calypso still brags of tripping balls during her Commencement, as if Commencement itself would not have expanded consciousness enough.

Calypso sees The Wicker Man (the original version) and sees it as a model for living. (The Power of Cult Movies got nettled when the remake came out, by the way. Calypso considered doing something about it, but hasn’t gotten around to it.) She consorts with fairies, because fairies are cool. She looks forward to and contributes to the collapse of shopping mall America. She hands out free tabs a lot though, making sure it stays free of additives which some dealers will add in. Calypso acts as a guardian to the most faithful and diligent prophets of LSD. She does not work towards legalizing LSD in the US or anywhere else., because by the time everyone on Earth drops acid, no rules will remain to stop them from doing it. No rules at all, anywhere.

Miracle Menu

Imperator: Amunet
Campaign page: Lotus and Allium