Erica A'Hammerhand

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Chaotic Good


Expert 7 (Courtesan)

Pathfinder Stats[edit]

Str 20 Dex 12 Con 18 Int 13 Wis 10 Chr 16


Erica is 6'6 and is a dainty two hundred pounds of pure muscle. Striking is the fact that she still has a cute face and long hair that highlights the feminine and often bewildered look on her face. Many think that Erica is a brooding loner. What they don't realize is she's painfully shy and girlish, which often throws people for a loop.


Erica is a quiet, sweet, and loving young woman whom Kisa often sends out with young men who don't necessarily want to purchase the sexual portion of the evening. She loves small animals and cooking plus also needlepoint. Really, she'd be the ideal noblewoman's wife if not for the fact that she was a Half-Jotun and a courtesan.


Erica the daughter of Helm Hammerhand, the Great Jotun Warlord and a local woman who bore her exceptionally large daughter out of wedlock. The assumption she'd end up a warrior or a blacksmith was inhibited by the fact at how PAINFULLY girly she was from the very beginning of her childhood.

Erica was sold to the Courtesans Guild in Winterweir at the age of fourteen when it was clear that none of the local boys were interested in such an intimidating young woman. Kisa managed to purchase her contract before she was taken in by the more unscrupulous Courtesan's houses in the city. Thus, Kisa saved her from the "it's not slavery; just contracts! Completely different!" situation that many brothel girls endure.

Erica would very much like to be a housewife and is prone to falling in love, much to Kisa's despair. She keeps a large collection of stuffed animals and pet cats (about 12) with an irresistible love of Trucy due to her cuteness.

(Winterweir) In Search of the Unknown