Michael D'Kreiger
Lawful Neutral
Rogue 3/Bard 1
Pathfinder Stats
Str 14 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 15 Wis 14 Chr 14
Albert's Kid Brother, Michael D'Kreiger does not quite resemble the towering engine of badassery that he projects with illusions. Morever, he actually looks like a fourteen year old that is more than a little on the puny side. He attempts to compensate for this by acting ruthless and cold blooded. Instead, he just comes off as Emo.
Michael attempts to act a great deal tougher than he really is and takes it for granted that he'll be treated like an adult (which causes him frequent disappointment). He teases Trucy constantly, since he's not used to dealing with attractive girls his own age and is trying to push away the feelings.
Michael D'Kreiger is Albert's half-brother. Specifically, he is the child of the same Celestial that sired him in the mysterious Puriel. Born to the village after the destruction of it, he's unaware of the massive amount of slaughter that scars so many of them but hates his older brother for abandoning them. He believes it is his place to be the ultimate killer of the village and is annoyed when people treat him like a kid (despite the fact he's never killed anyone and really IS immature).
His mother dead, he's being raised by Sakura instead.