The Power of Trickery
CNEPHA Baronet of Trickery
Ancient Trickster
How Cnepha would appear would highly depend upon who she was appearing to. As a master shape shifter she usually takes a form suitable for the occasion. She can be anything from the exquisitely beautiful to the horribly ugly, either living or non-living things. She usually tries to lure people into a sense of security using her appearance; she tries not to stand out and prefers the forms of creatures lesser-then those she is dealing with, to gain the upper hand. Most can't tell her in a bovine form from any other cow in the field. Her favorite form is that of an orange and white housecat.
Aspect 4
5/5 Aspect Miracle Points
Short description of your character's body and why they have that level of Aspect.
I have 4 Aspect. That means I perform Level 4 and under Miracles for 0 MP. I perform Level 5 Miracles for 1 MP, I perform Level 6 Miracles for 2 MP, I perform level 7 or 8 Miracles for 4 Miracle Points, and I can perform level 9 Miracles as a Word of Command which costs 8 MP.
2 Deadly, 3 Serious, 3 Surface Wound Levels
Domain 1
5/5 Domain Miracle Points
Short description of your character's Estate, defining exactly what it is, what it is not, what your Noble thinks about the Estate and what Correspondances (3 or 4 thing directly associated with your Estate) your character has control over.
I have 1 Domain. That means I perform Level 1 and under Miracles for 0 MP. I perform Level 2 Miracles for 1 MP, I perform Level 3 Miracles for 2 MP, I perform level 4 or 5 Miracles for 4 Miracle Points and I can perform level 6 through Level 9 Miracles as a Word of Command which costs 8 MP.
Realm 0
5/5 Realm Miracle Points
Short description of your Character' role in the Chancel (I know, you don't have one yet) and why she has this level of Realm. It should include the "stink of Nobility" description inherent to this Attribute.
I have 0 Realm. That means I perform Level 0 Miracles for 0 MP. I perform Level 1 Miracles for 1 MP, I perform Level 2 Miracles for 2 MP, I perform level 3 or 4 Miracles for 4 Miracle Points and I can perform level 5 through Level 9 Miracles as a Word of Command which costs 8 MP.
Spirit 1
5/5 Spirit Miracle Points
Short description of why your character has this level of Spirit and what others feel like to other Nobles nearby.
I have 1 Spirit. That means I can have 2 anchors. My Auctoritas raises the level of all Miracles cast against me by 1 Miracle Level. I only have to perform the Rite of Holy Fire ever two weeks. With the Rite of the Last Trump I can convert 4 MP of any type into 1 MP of any other.
Comprehensive shapeshifting, Cnepha can become any form she can imagine, regardless of size or shape. This costs her no Miracle Points.
Unblemished Guise
Cnepha's divine spark is masked by a veil of trickery. Unless someone puts 2 Penetration into a Miracle of The Sight, or she steps into the Auctoritas of a Spirit 2 or higher being, she appears to be a completely non-miraculous specimen of ... whatever she currently is.
Using an ancient ritual, Trickery can be summoned by anybody. She is not compelled to do anything for the person, but a shrewd negotiator may easily convince her to play a trick in exchange for something; the summoner should be warned though. She is as likely to trick them as anyone else.
List the three tenets of your Code, and describe why your Power follows this path.
Virtue: Name
If you have any. Delete this section of you do not. Explain your Virtue, how you define it, and the four powers it gives you. You always know the most Virtuous action in any situation, no Miracle or effect can sway you from acting out this Virtue, you may make the Virtue obvious to everyone around you for 1 SMP, and you regain 1 MP whenever the Virtue gets you in trouble.
Describe each bond, how much points it has
Anchor Name
Describe who they are, why you love or hate them, and what you use them for, perhaps how their life has changed since becoming an Anchor.
Give three short paragraphs of background about your character, who they were before they became Sovereigns, and what they are like now.
Give one short paragraph about what your Power is like, what they enjoy and dislike, and how they act around other people.
Goals and Motivation
Put some thought into what your character wants to get done with her supernal existence.
Describe your design, including the flower of your Estate, your personal flower, and the background, probably influenced by your Code as described in the GWB.