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Character Generation

Character Picks a Level

  • Greenhorn = 42 Attribute/Trait Points + 62 Skill Points + 12 Plot Points/Episode
  • Veteran = 48 Attribute/Trait Points + 68 Skill Points + 6 Plot Points/Epsiode
  • Big Damn Hero = 54 Attribute/Trait Points + 74 Skill Points & 0 Plot Points/Episode

Greenhorns lack the skills and training of more seasoned crew, but they have an uncanny luck which seems to carry them through the day.
Veterans possess skills and training, and invaluable experience that prepares them for the dangers in the Black or on the Rim.
Big Damn Heroes are ready for anything, but years chasing death have worn out most of their luck. Any luck they have, they make for themselves.


Use Cortex System rules for traits.


As per Cortex rules, except for the following: The combat sequence goes.

  1. All participants declare their actions before anyone resolves them.
  2. No initiative is rolled†
  3. Actions are resolved (including all dice from actions such as dodge and parry.)
  4. Determine effects.
  5. Repeat as necessary.

Assume all actions take place simultaneously unless one action would preclude another, then make an initiative check.
†If who goes first is an issue, then make initiative rolls.

Each turn a character can declare up to three actions:

  • Ranged Attack
  • Melee Attack
  • Dodge at +2 Step Bonus (One action applies to all attacks)
  • Parry at +2 Step Bonus (One action applies to all melee attacks)
  • Run 30 feet
  • Other action (Draw Weapon, Aim, Grapple, Disarm, Grapple, etc.)

If you take more than one action, each action is at a step penalty equal to the total number actions. (2 actions = -2 Step Penalty, 3 actions -3 Step Penalty)

Plot Points

A character gets the starting plot points every episode.
in addition to these points you can earn plot points by any of the following:

  • Roleplaying
  • Take one for the team. Getting hit, failing an important skill role etc.. where interesting.
  • Moving the Story (pushing the plot in an interesting direction)
  • Confessionals (respond to a scene with interesting commentary or back story)
  • Adding story elements to the wiki
  • Creating props or other tools which enhance roleplay.

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