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Ash White

Real Name: Ashtoreth Whtie

Identity: Doesn't like talking about her family

Origin: Ash's father is Yog-Sothoth.

Power Source: Innate.

History: By 1936, the Wateley family had recovered from their failure in 1928. Wilbur Wateley had died attempting to steal the Latin Necronomicon, but his cousins regrouped. Changing their family name to White in order to elude detection, they decided to move more carefully.

Once again, they performed the dread rituals that allowed Yog-Sothoth to briefly enter this world. Once again, two children were conceived, not entirely of this world, but still enough of it to be able to exist here... one of which resembled the father much more than the other.

They named the human-seeming child Ashtoreth, and, with Professor Henry Armitage still alive and well, they knew that they would have to act cautiously-- another strange child in Dunwich so soon would arouse suspicion.

Ashtoreth was raised not in seclusion, but with some contact with the outside world. She was taught the hidden lore, of course-- she'd need it to fulfill her destiny-- but she was also taught the need for secrecy, and the need to conceal her inhuman features. (Luckily, she was born with more human features than even Wilbur, if less attached to this world in some ways.)

When Ash turned 17, she was ready to, with the help of her truly alien sibling, open the gates to the outer world, bringing her father into this one, and so destroy all life and reality as we know it. A team of investigators from Arkham University had tracked the stolen Necronomicon to the White family, and were closing in, but there wasn't enough time, and the Whites were too strong.

And then Ash rebelled.

They'd let her live among normal humanity in the hopes that no one would suspect her, but in that time, Ash had learned to love mankind. She realized what the consequences of opening the gate would be, and she would have no part of it. Instead, she fought against her own family, and, with the help of the investigators, destroyed them... but at the cost of revealing her true nature to everyone.

The Arkham professors were grateful, but couldn't hide the fact that they were terrified of her. Having betrayed her family and her destiny, Ashtoreth was left without a purpose, without a destiny. Alone.

Personality: Ash is a bit naive, and very optimistic, trying to find the good in anything that happens. Recently, however, her optimism has been severely strained by the combined effects of having to betray her family and being rejected by someone who said that he loved her after he learned her true nature. She feels adrift, and doubts that she can ever find a place that she could call home or people who could truly accept her. Luckily, she's optimistic enough to still hope.

Heroic Motivation: Ash loves the world, and wants to defend it, as well as her friends. Since she can't live a normal life, the least she can do is use her powers to protect the thing she loves.

Series Information: Arkham Tales is the saga of Professor Henry Armitage and his young protege, John Morgan, attempting to defend mankind against the followers of the Elder Gods. Mankind must never learn the terrible danger it faces, lest madness reign.

It's broken up into several short arcs, revisiting classic tales like The Shadow over Innsmouth, The Thing on the Doorstep, The Shadow Out of Time, The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, At The Mountains Of Madness, and, of course, The Dunwich Horror. Recurring characters include the mysterious Randolph Carter, the sometimes-helpful ghoul king Richard Upton Pickman, and more sinister foes such as the body-swapping Ephraim Waite, the sinister Marsh family (and their Deep One allies), the undead and unkillable Herbert West, and the manipulative Reverend Nye, who may or may not be an incarnation of the Whisperer in Darkness itself, Nyarlathotep.

Ash White was a friendly young farm girl who John Morgan became infatuated with, as he often did. Inevitably, their relationship did not succeed, although Ashtoreth managed to survive, unlike the vast majority of women John loved. Instead, the discovery of her nonhuman nature ruled out any possibility of a relationship, at least from Professor Armitage's viewpoint.

PL: 10

  • Power Points: 150
  • Hero Points: 1
  • Trade-Offs: +0/-0 Attack/DC Save Modifier; +0/+0 Defense/Toughness


  • Strength: 30 [+10]
  • Dexterity: 20 [+5]
  • Constitution: 30 [+10]
  • Intelligence: 14 [+2]
  • Wisdom: 16 [+3]
  • Charisma: 10 [+0]


  • Initiative: +0
  • Attack Bonus: +5 (Melee +5/Ranged: +0)
  • Defense Bonus: 20 (Flat-Footed: 13)


  • Toughness: +10 (Flat-Footed and/or Impervious)
  • Fortitude: +10
  • Reflex: +6
  • Will: +10


  • Escape Artist 4 (+14) (Includes bonus from Elongation)
  • Intimidate 4 (+4)
  • Knowledge (Arcane) 15 (+17)
  • Language 4 (Arabic, Egyptian, Deep One, Serpent Folk)
  • Notice 8 (+11)
  • Profession (Farmer) 2 (+5)
  • Sense Motive 2 (+5)
  • Stealth 2 (+7)
  • Survival 3 (+6)


  • Ambidexterity
  • Grappling Finesse
  • Improved Disarm
  • Improved Grab
  • Improved Pin
  • Fearless
  • Ritualist
  • Evasion 1
  • All-Out Attack
  • Power Attack
  • Attack Focus 5 (Melee)
  • Dodge Focus 5
  • Improved Grapple (free from Additional Limbs)


  • Super-Senses 1 (Sight: Radius)
  • Teleport 1 (Feat: Progression 1)
  • Elongation 5 (Feat: Indirect 3)
  • Additional Limbs 4
  • Superstrength 2
  • Feat: Strength Affects Insubstantial
  • Immunity 5 (Trait Effects)



  • Enemy The Reverend Nye has not given up on Ash, and will surely find her again and attempt to
  • persuade or force her cooperation in another scheme to free the Elder Gods.
  • Prejudice While Ash resembles a normal human being on first glance, a closer examination will
  • reveal many inhuman features, notably including her motile hair and the numerous red eyes all around
  • her head (which resemble ornaments on first glance, but aren't.) Not everyone is ready to accept
  • someone who is the inhuman child of an Elder God.


  • None

PP total = 62 Abilities + 11 Skills + 20 Feats + 30 Powers + 20 Combat + 7 Saves - Drawbacks = 150pp