The Power of Logic

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Alan Russell, Duke of Logic, Rationalist in an irrational world

First Impression Text

This would be a short description of what your character looks like, the standard run down of what people could tell about you the first time they met.


Aspect 0[edit]

Of Mortal Form 5/5 Aspect Miracle Points

While Alan's soul joyfully embraced the shard of Logic when it came, his mind and body rejected the changes as being irrational.

I have 0 Aspect. That means I perform Level 0 Miracles for 0 MP. I perform Level 1 Miracles for 1 MP, I perform Level 2 Miracles for 2 MP, I perform level 3 or 4 Miracles for 4 Miracle Points and I can perform level 5 through Level 9 Miracles as a Word of Command which costs 8 MP.

Domain 4[edit]

Duke 6/6 Domain Miracle Points

Logic was the keystone of Alan's world before enNoblement, and has only become more important to him now. Mathematics, scientific inquiry, and computers are Correspondences under his domain.

I have 4 Domain. That means I perform Level 4 and under Miracles for 0 MP. I perform Level 5 Miracles for 1 MP, I perform Level 6 Miracles for 2 MP, I perform level 7 or 8 Miracles for 4 Miracle Points and I can perform Level 9 Miracles as a Word of Command which costs 8 MP.

Realm 3[edit]

Warden 5/5 Realm Miracle Points

The world has always felt illogical and irrational to Alan. Now he has power over a world where logic can reign. Other Nobilis show him respect.

I have 3 Realm. That means I perform Level 3 and under Miracles for 0 MP. I perform Level 4 Miracles for 1 MP, I perform Level 5 Miracles for 2 MP, I perform level 6 or 7 Miracles for 4 Miracle Points and I can perform level 8 through Level 9 Miracles as a Word of Command which costs 8 MP.

Spirit 1[edit]

Hearthfire 5/5 Spirit Miracle Points

Working on blurb. Help appreciated.

I have 1 Spirit. That means I can have 2 anchors. My Auctoritas raises the level of all Miracles cast against me by 1 Miracle Levels. I only have to perform the Rite of Holy Fire every week. With the Rite of the Last Trump I can convert 1 MP of any type into 1 MP of any other.


Cannot Lie (1 MP) Falsehood leads to incorrect conclusions, and thus is anathema to Logic.

Newly Commenced (1 MP) - Alan is new to the world of the Nobilis, and is still learning the rules.

Affiliation: Heaven[edit]

1. Beauty is the highest principle. 2. Justice is a form of beauty. 3. Lesser beings should respect their betters.


Dr. Tanner Boushley, my mentor before enNoblement 5

My estate 5

Rationality 5

My Familia 3

Mathematics in general 2


Dr. Boushley[edit]

Dr. Boushley introduced Alan to the world of mathematical logic, and guided the young graduate student through his thesis.


Give three short paragraphs of background about your character, who they were before they became Sovereigns, and what they are like now.


Give one short paragraph about what your Power is like, what they enjoy and dislike, and how they act around other people.


A wreath of tiny clusters of flowers, silver, yellow and white, all precisely spaced from each other, their blossoms open wide.