Geos:Main Page

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Brief History

Geos is a fantasy campaign world I've been working on ever since 1987. Initially, it was very derivative, based strongly on Advanced Dungeons & Dragons and Lord of the Rings. I ran a game for Harbourfront Day Camp in 1991 set in Geos (and I got paid for it, too.) Since then, other influences and ideas have settled mosslike on the gameworld. I've also radically changed the universe, and migrated it through several different game systems.

Currently (2008) I'm using a variation of Evil Hat's Fate 3.0. Major departures include the combat and magic systems.


In the beginning there was chaos - everything that could exist, existing alongside its own negation. After nameless time, this cacophony was shattered by the Word That Spake Itself. The Word then called into existence many servants and set about to construct the material world. The Word's most powerful servant, Lucifer, was given the job of overseeing this task.

When the world was done, the Creator gathered his subordinates and announced his intent to depart. As with everything the Creator said, saying it made it so - a shock that neither Heaven nor the world have fully recovered from.

Geos, then, is an explicitly deistic universe. Not everyone believes that the architect of the universe is gone, but it is a common trope among many religions that the ur-power is absent, fragmented or simply uninterested in terrestrial affairs.

The history and social dynamic of Geos closely resembles our own world, though with many changes, each of with far-reaching consequences. I chose this route to give players a sense of familiarity while retaining complete artistic license for myself. Some major departures from medieval Earth reality include

  • As mentioned, God has come and gone. There is no Saviour, Eden or original sin. The dominant human religion is Deism, which claims that the Creator's servants are still active in world affairs.
  • Magic exists, but there is much less of it around than in the Age of Creation. Magic works by inflicting meaning on the universe - ancient and divine languages can liberate more raw power, but modern magical theory is more sophisticated and flexible.
  • As in our world, there was a great empire, now fallen. The Empire (the word has since become generified) spread civilization and swept away the faerie, who retreated to their own staunchly-defended enclaves.
  • The world is in decline. In ancient days, great and terrible men did great and terrible things: Valius I built an entire city in one year; the body of the dragon Espergon became a volcano; out of spite Athantos cursed the world such that the dead might still haunt the living. The Ages of Myth and Man are long gone, and even the Age of Heroes is fading to a close: no single being can hope to affect the world so profoundly any least, not without help.