Talk:Mano a Mano
Control & Grappling
Control (attack and defense bonus associated with reach) should not be added to grappling because:
- The arguments for and against do not clearly favor changing the current rule.
- You can still give a weapon both features, but an all-in-one bonus cannot be broken apart
- Trade-offs are more interesting than making some weapons better than others.
Character Sheets
I think we may want to have "underlines" instead of "best of" listings at the bottom of the character sheet.
It would be nice if in our google docs and wikis if we could use "comic sans" for character sheets, to show that they are supposed to be hand written. Then the underlines would be much clearer.
I think our example character should have armor. This would lengthen the character generation and combat examples, but I think this is important enough to warrant the extra effort.
- I am currently working on the Squawk RPG book, once the first rough draft is together I'll revisit MaM for this and other editorial enhancements. (I'm waiting for the rough draft to get done so I know what I need MaM to do.)[BFG]
I have re-ordered the sections on the Table of Contents and Complete System on One Page to reflect this. The broad overview of Gameplay is still first, followed by Action, Character Development, Character Creation and finally Game Design. We will probably want to make further changes so that the system makes sense when presented in this order. We may even want to move the example Ability and Equipment lists into Character Creation or even Character Development. [SL]
- Yeah, that's what I figured. Now it looks to me like perhaps even example occupations may need to be moved forward to at least character generation, and possibly into character development (since it's hard to imagine character development in MaM without the potential for new abilities, equipment, or occupations.) [BFG]
Compact NPCs
Can we abbreviate NPC stats by omitting some details?
- Carrying capacity, equipment mass and encumbrance are only needed to calculate movement.
- Movement, best absorption and total cover can be assumed to be 0 if they are not listed.
- Stun and damage can go on scratch paper.
Editing Character Sheet
If you change the character sheet format when editing any of the following, you must update the others:
- Blank Character Sheet
- Example Template
- Example Character
- Clone character sheet in the Combat Example!
Be sure you know which character sheet you are updating:
- The template creation example includes both the blank character sheet and the example template.
- The character creation example includes both the example template and the example character sheet.