Skein of World:People

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In an infinite universe, you'd expect life to appear on infinitely many planets, and you'd be right. What might be surprising is just how often life appears though. Very nearly every planet without a severe elemental imbalance is covered in living creatures. Even more surprising to some is that nearly all of these are also home to at least some form of intelligent life.

Origins of Life

Once you realize that most deities have had countless years to spread life, and belief, to other planets, it's not really so surprising. In fact, this is probably how most planets were first colonized. This isn't the whole story though.


While, on average, any one race only exists on about one or two planets, there are a few races that exist on many hundreds or even thousands of planets. First among these are the humans. One of the great mysteries though is exactly why humans are so numerous.


Any intelligent race that stays in one place long enough becomes, almost by definition, a civilization. There are, in fact, many more civilizations than there are intelligent races. On any planet with multiple civilizations, conflict is inevitable, though the nature of this conflict varies greatly.


Outside of the lines of race or civilization, there are a few groups of beings working towards their own goals. Such organizations must be vast and powerful merely to exist across the vast distances between different systems of spheres. Because of this, and because their goals are rarely compatible, few of these organizations are on good terms with any of the others. This is one, of many, reasons they tend to be secretive about their existence.