Dark Hawk
Brawn 2 Agility 2 Mind 1
Healing x3 [Limitation: Only when he changes back to his normal ID] 2pts
Super Senses- Infra-Red Vision 2pts
Keen Vision-- (x4) 1pt
Claws: Special Attack 1 (x3 Dmg) 1pt
Flight 3 [6 squares] 3pts
Grappling Hook Multi-Power 4pts
Swinging (8 squares) Immobilize (Br 20, Range 5)
Darkforce Multi-Power [Limitation: Tiring] 4pts
Special Attack: Range 5, +3DM (x4 Dmg) Deflect 3 (x5 Defense)
Strong Psyche: Mind Shield 1 (x3 Mental Defense) 1pt
Disadvantages Normal (without the Darkhawk amulet, his stats are Brawn 1 Agility 1), Destitute
Advantages Instant Change, Unliving [he switches places with the Darkhawk android body in Null Space]
Skills Athletics x3/Aerobatics, Streetwise/Crime
28 pts (10 stats, 18 Powers)