Necessary Evil The Rejects/Alice

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Civilian Identity: Unknown[edit]

Origin of parahuman abilities: psychotic break[edit]


Not much is known about Alice. Rumor has it that she was found at the age of ten in the burnt remnants of her families house, rocking back and forth clutching a white stuffed bunny rabbit, muttering "I've found him . . . I've found him . . ." The rumors continue that she was then after placed in foster care, where little was thought of her, despite frequent calls from her foster family about strange things she did. Until the day she murdered her foster parents in their sleep with a pillow. It was a speedy trial, her background and age (then 12) being a surefire means of an insanity plea.

She was placed in a juvenile asylum and that's where the facts of Alice's story start to come together. Alice escaped the asylum at the age of 16 (to this day no one knows how) and promptly robbed a secret bio-weapon's manufacturer and stole a deadly retrovirus. She was caught attempting to put it into Star City's water supply, muttering "lets have a tea party" to herself over and over again. She was then placed in a level four maximum security asylum, which at the age of 18 she promptly escaped again. Again she was caught, this time in possession of a nuclear bomb she intended to detonate in the ocean, so she could "cook all the oysters".

Luckily for the authorities and other meddling superheroes, she was no longer a minor and was therefore placed in a maximum security prison on death row, which she also promptly escaped. Again. At the time of the V'sori take over, she was still at large.


  • Agility: d8
  • Vigor: d8
  • Spirit: d6
  • Strength: d8
  • Smarts: d6

Derived stats:[edit]

  • Charisma: 0
  • Toughness: 6
  • Parry: 9
  • Pace: 6


  • Distinctive Appearance (clothing she never takes off)
  • Heartless
  • Delusional: Major


  • More Power Points
  • Acrobat


  • Fighting: d12 +1
  • Notice: d6
  • Taunt: d6
  • Intimidate: d6
  • Climbing: d6
  • Driving: d8
  • Piloting: d6


  • Attack, Melee: device, +d6, focus, d8+d6+d6 (Parasol) (4)
  • Gifted (1)
  • Improved jinx (4)
  • Vehicle: Street motorcycle (1)

White Rabbit[edit]

Vehicle Stats:

  • Acc/ Top Speed: 20/36
  • Tough: 8(2)
  • Crew: 1 +1