Aka Roughtrade

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Kelly Lynch aka Roughtrade

Short Form

Roughtrade is basically modeled on the idea of a female Captain America. A complete physical change that is now permanent. Cap far exceeds her however in experience not to mention willpower and judgment. Her natural aptitude and enhanced physical capabilities make her a decent fighter, but her training is far below Cap, Daredevil or even Nick Fury. Her real powers are the nanites that allow her short bursts of superior abilities. Things along the lines of the stories people tell of adrenaline allowing mothers to lift a car off their baby. Roughtrade can perform them as she chooses and for longer durations, but there is still a finite limit on what sort of punishment her body can endure or is capable of.

Her other "major power" would be the regeneration. My ideal for her is more modeled after [ooc=Painkiller Jane]The comic, not the crappy tv show version[/ooc] than Wolverine. The basic idea is that she is tougher due to denser muscles than most people and the nanites can repair any damage that doesn't outright kill her. Even brain death wouldn't stop them so she'll make a pretty corpse when she stops breathing but the nanites keep repairing until they run out of food. At which point they will consume her body and she will turn into a silver puddle of goop. But it all hurts. She might have a higher pain threshold due to the nanintes acting as a pain editor, but bullets still hurt and she still bleeds a lot. She does not leave evidence, as whatever nantines she bleeds out will first consume the blood cells and then themselves as they run out of energy sources.

Her skills are along the lines of cat burglary and some electronic training to get past high tech security. She can tinker and modify but not create anything. And while she has the body capable of deft movements and skillful acrobatic maneuvers, she actually hasn't had a lot of practice so she might always be graceful, but she is quite capable of failing to commit a maneuver successfully. As stated before, her style of combat is basically street brawling with a few tricky commando style maneuvers.

Her toys I freely admit are for some less than noble reasons. The guns, I like the way it looks mostly. Hitting things at range and flying is nice, but it's the show and then fun of them I'm most interested in. I like the idea of having to take a couple of burst fire shots and then reload power packs. If given my actual druthers in creating them I would really enjoy some sort of progression. Base damage at single shot, with about ten available each before reloading. Burst damage would be better, but only three of those before a reload required. And then firing both together at a single target in either format being +1CS to whatever damage they did singly.

Line Caster. The Marvelverse is really the only place this kind of travel occurs a lot, but again, it's cool. There are a couple versions in the books, almost all allow travel over three areas. It would not be all swinging, like Spidey, but more like running across a roof, jumping, flipping from a flag pole, shoot out a line, swing, jump over an air conditioner, and so on. How they function was just my trying to comic book physics a reason for how it works and that naturally suggested that magnetized areas and high freq electrical fields would mess with them. The only other mode of travel that seemed to be in her style would be a motorcycle.

Origin Notes

Kelly was born on the wrong side of the tracks. Oldest child in a family of five, she shares a father with only one of her brothers. Mom rarely paid attention to anything other than drinking and finding the next baby-daddy to help with rent. Kelly grew up tough and with an aversion the thought of being dependent on her looks and a man to get by. She started out with petty theft and other semi-violent crimes as a teen and moved on to stealing cars and serious B&E burglary. Running with a gang meant being someone's piece of tail, so she mostly worked alone.

She was recruited by Advanced Ideas Mechanics after her first arrest as an adult. Their lawyers got her off on a technicality, she went to work as a bodyguard and infiltrator type. Kelly took advantage of the opportunity to become trained at higher tech breaking and entering than she ever would have had the chance otherwise. She also got detailed first hand experience at how "Heroes" almost always won.

Kelly was being used as "eye-candy" as much as a body guard, even she had to admit that to herself. Nothing wrong with taking advantage of things so long as she wasn't dependent on her looks for all her self worth. Kelly's "attributes" got her a comfy position baby-sitting a science lab on nano-bot engineering super-soldier experiments. Sleeping with the top man got her information on how he was planning to betray AIM and sell his completed process on the black market. An inopportune heart attack in bed left Kelly as the only person who knew where the completed serum was hidden. An "anonymous" phone call got the lab raided by SHIELD {Or the Avengers or whoever you wanna use} and after two years (reduced to six months for first adult violation with five years parole) in jail, Kelly was embarked on a new career. Hero.

If Iron Man can get paid big bucks by Stark, and the Avengers get a monthly paycheck, there's gotta be someone else out there who needs a hero. Right?

One las B&E job. Kelly broke into the remains of the Base (still sealed and undisturbed pending completion of court cases) and with the only vial of the perfected serum in hand she activated the process. She gained the powers of strength, speed, agility, regeneration; a supersoldier. To further round out her capabilities, Kelly swiped a pair of standard issue plasma guns and a few useful toys.

Now, so long as she can keep her parole officer off her back, old friends from convincing her to come back to work for them and get someone to notice her "hero" identity, she can make some money. And hopefully no one at AIM or SHIELD ever figures out who she is and how she did it. [/spoiler]

[spoiler=Still mostly a copy, but with more editing to refine power descriptors] The process granted her the physique of a perfect human; the peak of human capabilities in physical attributes. Kelly is capable of matching Olympian athletes in running, jumping, acrobatics, weight lifting and so on. Her eyesight, hearing and other senses are also highly developed and her night vision is nearly perfect. All these are physical changes to her body and once done cannot be undone any more than someone could strip an Olympian swimmer of his strength or a gymnast of her agility.

The real key to the process was the perfection of the nanite bio-bots. A requirement to sculpt the initial changes, they remain and replicate in her system. They allow her short periods of time to exceed normal human limits, bolstering her human muscles and super-fueling her body's needs. They process poisons and toxins and neutralize them to the point where she is nearly immune to anything but the most massive overdose. Nanites also repair her body almost as fast as she is wounded. She still feels the pain of a gunshot or stabbing or burning, but within minutes she is recovered.

To power the nanites, Kelly eats a lot. Other physical changes show as a greyish tint to her blood, the iris of her eyes have turned to silver and when she pushes herself Kelly begins to sweat in silver as dying nanites are processed out of her system and she is ravenously hungry after any extended use. Hungry nanites also process most sugars and alcohol at a speedy rate, making it incredibly difficult for Kelly to get drunk and making candy one of her favorite foods.

Her equipment is fairly light. Counting on speed and maneuverability in combat over standing up to direct hits, Kelly wears no armor. Her costume is pretty much black leather pants, moto-cross boots (also black) Black batters gloves (reinforced some) and a black leather vest, tightly pulled but the cross stitching clearly displays her cleavage. Hey. If it distracts someone so she can get a shot in, it's worth it. Her mask covers her forehead and the sides of her cheeks, as well as the bridge of her nose.

The stolen pistols are slightly modified, Kelly tinkered with the output crystal alignment so the color shift is different and more in the blue spectrum from standard issue. She also added a ruggedized housing to both protect them from damage in falls and slugfests, and also altering the outline so they are not such a familiar design. A weapons expert who managed to take one apart would see through the changes fairly quickly.

Cable Launcher : a rod device that shoots a line for traveling by swinging. The end has a molecular bonding agent that is activated by electrical stimulation. A wire running along the cable transmits the electrical pulse from the batteries by the push of a button on the handle. High powered electrical fields make the bonding agent unstable so she rarely uses it during thunderstorms or around power generators. Roughly the size of a tonfa, she can also use it to bop people.

Options for Growth

Kelly would be a good candidate for expanding leadership type skills. Not just acting as a soldier or individual but learning how to judge the tactics of a situation. Currently her plans run to simple things like "Get 'em!" so having some experience might teach her to do more thinking. Obviously, getting better at martial arts or learning hand to hand combat techniques would be useful for her.

Depending on if we end up having a need for a more traditional "Tank" type, I could see developing a greater control over the nanites. Maybe exude them purposefully to make an armor sheath for her protection. Or just coating her hands to make hand to hand combat weapons like cestus or small blades.

Options for Change

I can also do a hero that is more "brick" than this using a similar bio to Roughtrade. If having her be martial arts focused takes away from Counter. Toss the pistols, make the process something she did not steal but was "volunteered" for by force. Heroes attack the lab, RT joins them, flips on her bosses and gives evidence for the DA and now is in the witness protection program, but as a "hero" monitored by SHIELD or something. Take the "for growth" options to a brick like status, she armors up like Colossus and can make simple hand weapons like big gloves or maces covering her fists. End up with Ms Marvel (or Rogue) physical stats with better defenses. Just saying I'm open to it in the interest of not stepping on anyone else's toes.

Additional Information

Created by : Roughtrade