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Name: Ryan Breedlove

Player: Samaritan

Origin: Persistent Rescuer

Class: Explorer 8






Backstory: Ryan Breedlove is a ‘salt of the earth’ type who had been raised in the Midwest. He’s hard working, and loyal to his fellow firefighters, but doesn’t put up with people trying to shirk their duties or being lazy. While he’s not the senior man at his station, having been on the job for 6 years, he nevertheless has no problem telling his supervisors when he thinks a plan is shoddy. In that time, he has seen some heinous things, atrocities both by accident and by design, and possesses a fairly dark sense of humor because of it.

He had been engaged, once, but the relationship fell apart when he refused to resign from the job at his fiancees’ insistence. He also had a brother who served at another station, but who went MIA during a particularly nasty fire in the downtown district. No body was ever recovered, and Joseph Breedlove’s locker was "retired", going unused. Ryan still believes that Joseph’s out there; people don’t simply disappear. Do they?

Ryan maintains a fairly strenuous workout schedule, and tends to read up on recent boxing or MMA matches, or play videogames on his off time. He’s sociable enough with his coworkers to go out drinking or play poker now and again, but doesn’t seem much interested in picking up women or anything like that; women who have approached him tend to say he's a little sardonic for their tastes.

Subplots: Personal Mission (Ascertain brother's fate), Romance (Ex-fiancee)


STR 15 (+2)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 17 (+3)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 13 (+1)

CHA 12 (+1)

Derived Values

Action Dice: 2

Vitality Points:

Wound Points: 17

Fortitude: +9

Reflexes: +4

Willpower: +5

Stress Threshold: 16

Subdual Threshold: 20

Knowledge Check: +9

Request Check: +9

Gear Check: +9

Defense: 15

Initiative: +5

Base Attack Bonus: +6

Unarmed: +8

Melee: +8

Ranged: +7

Weapon Proficiencies: Blunt, Edged (forte), Handgun, Hurled, Unarmed (forte)

Primary Weapon:

Secondary Weapon:

Armor and Protective Gear:

Speed: 35 ft.


Athletics (10 Ranks)

Computers (3 Ranks)

Cultures (North America) (1 Rank)

Drive (Heavy Ground Vehicles, Standard Ground Vehicles) (9 Ranks)

Intimidate (3 Ranks)

Investigation (4 Ranks)

Medicine (11 Ranks)

Resolve (11 Ranks)

Science (Chemistry, Engineering) (9 Ranks)

Search (10 Ranks)

Streetwise (6 Ranks)

Survival (7 Ranks)

Interests: Mixed Martial Arts, Video Games, Poker, Working Out


Origin Abilities:

Class Abilities:





Spending Cash:

Currently Carrying:

Total Weight:
