Session 10 of Pine Falls
[19:26:48] <@Khayin> When Fu looked beyond the door, he saw signs of the treacherous wonder of the Hedge. Beyond the alien vegetation, he glimpsed the edge of a stream -- probably the best path available. Unfortunately, that wasn't the only thing he spied. Catch-a-calls perched in the trees nearby, silently listening for their next meal to wander by.
[19:27:45] <%Fu> "Mala, could you check our once-fuzzy friend? Is he alive?"
[19:28:05] * DrakeNero flexes his hands
[19:28:16] <Mala> "Uhm....I dunno. Are you dead, Mr. Once-Fuzzy? o.o"
[19:28:39] <@Khayin> (Wits + Medicine for anyone actually attempting to inspect Mr. Once-Fuzzy)
[19:28:43] * Fu facepalms with his free hand.
[19:29:09] <Mala> !roll_ww 1 10 10
[19:29:10] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[19:29:10] <The_Lady> 5
[19:29:10] <The_Lady> rolled 1d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 10, rerolling on 10 or better
[19:29:10] <%Fu> (Fu only has a chance die on it)
[19:29:16] <%Fu> (... glamour in use)
[19:29:23] <Mala> (likewise. I just wanted to see if I dramatic fail'd)
[19:30:00] <@Khayin> (Heh heh)
[19:30:03] <%Fu> (When it's down to a chance die and then dice added, does that mean they have to hit ten on them still?)
[19:30:26] <Mala> (added dice negate the chanceness first, then add normally)
[19:30:30] <@Khayin> (Bonuses first, penalties second)
[19:30:32] <%Fu> (okay then)
[19:30:39] <Mala> (or not >.> ignore me!)
[19:30:50] <%Fu> (so... 3 - 3, +4...)
[19:30:53] <%Fu> (5 dice?)
[19:31:00] <%Fu> (Oh, okay)
[19:31:04] <@Khayin> (Wait...)
[19:31:09] <%Fu> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[19:31:10] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[19:31:10] <The_Lady> 2, 7, 7, 9, 10
[19:31:10] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[19:31:28] <%Fu> (... sorry. .__.)
[19:32:07] <@Khayin> (Okay, it does Wits 3 +3 bonus = 6. Then -3 for the penalty. 3 dice)
[19:32:28] <@Khayin> (Er... was it +4 for the bonus? 4 dice, then)
[19:33:03] <@Khayin> (Nevermind)
[19:33:12] <%Fu> (+4 for the bonus, yes)
[19:33:24] <%Fu> (So, yeah, two sux.)
[19:35:23] <@Khayin> It takes little more than a cursory glance to figure out the situation with the body. There are probably over a dozen rounds in his head, making his face little more than a bloody, pocked mess. It would be a stretch of the imagination to even conceive that he could be alive.
[19:36:05] * Fu adjusts his glasses, the light reflecting off a perfect sheen as he smiles. "Perfect."
[19:36:09] <%Fu> "Who has knives?"
[19:36:29] <DrakeNero> "I have pointy pointy hands and a gun. Sorry."
[19:36:44] <%Fu> "You think you can cut flesh?"
[19:37:03] <DrakeNero> "Yes, that's what claws are *for* "
[19:37:18] <@Khayin> Typhoid Myrtle apprehensively pulls out a long knife from her boot. "If this'll help..."
[19:38:22] <%Fu> "Good." Fu smiles at both of the Summer courtiers, before he gestures to the water. "There are Catch-a-calls near the path. The stream is our best bet, and if we cut pieces off of our dead fuzzball, I think we can keep them from attacking us."
[19:38:22] <DrakeNero> "You're probably better off that way."
[19:39:00] <Mala> "Ew.. o.o "
[19:39:01] <DrakeNero> "Bait eh."
[19:39:12] <%Fu> "Yep~" ^_^
[19:39:29] <%Fu> "It gets rid of the body for us too."
[19:39:40] <DrakeNero> "Fair enough, I suppose?"
[19:40:44] <%Fu> "Okay, Myrtle, you think you can get set for doing that while we walk? If we keep on the path," He adjusts his glasses again, the glare now gone, "We will probably find a gate out away from the woods."
[19:41:28] <@Khayin> "I've... never hacked up a human body before," she says, gulping. "But I can give it a shot."
[19:42:10] <%Fu> "Well, seeing that he got mistaken for Poacher and was trying to kill us? I think it'd be easy."
[19:42:29] <DrakeNero> "You know that just means that the Poacher is still out there."
[19:43:05] <%Fu> "Don't remind me. =_="
[19:43:27] <Mala> "...... D: "
[19:43:34] <%Fu> "I'd like to get us out and away, now." He pulls on someone's arm to encourage everyone moving.
[19:44:37] <@Khayin> (Everyone roll Wits + Survival)
[19:45:10] <Mala> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[19:45:11] <%Fu> !roll_ww 7 8 10 (willpower, damn it)
[19:45:12] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[19:45:12] <The_Lady> 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 6, 6
[19:45:12] <The_Lady> rolled 7d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[19:45:12] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[19:45:12] <The_Lady> 2, 7, 8, 9, 10
[19:45:12] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 3 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[19:45:17] <Mala> (3 :D )
[19:45:17] <%Fu> (WTF)
[19:46:00] <DrakeNero> (survival's a phsyical skill, right?0
[19:46:17] <@Khayin> Yes
[19:46:33] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 1 8 10 not a chance die
[19:46:34] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[19:46:34] <The_Lady> 2
[19:46:34] <The_Lady> rolled 1d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[19:48:37] <@Khayin> No one goes into the Hedge very often -- probably for the best -- and so while a few elements are easy to see, finding a path back is not always simple. Fortunately for Mala, the Hedge on the other side of Pine Falls appears amazingly similar to an overgrown forest and it is not terribly difficult for her to figure her way around.
[19:49:10] <%Fu> Which makes Fu let her take the lead and he'll take the body.
[19:50:03] <Mala> "Okay. o.o" Mala's only too happy to put the body down now that she knows it's dead. >_>;
[19:50:38] <@Khayin> One of the first things that Mala notices, in fact, is that a good chunk of the terrain actually seems like a huge, mutated orchard with strange fruit hanging from the branches like apples. And there are LOTS of them around, though only she seems to see most of them.
[19:51:12] <Mala> "That's...weird. D: "
[19:51:45] <%Fu> "Huh?" Fu is pretty much next to Myrtle so she can cut things off if needed.
[19:52:10] <Mala> "it just... reminds me. o_o "
[19:52:25] * DrakeNero is leaning against the wall by the door. Guarding an entrance makes him feel comfortable.
[19:52:37] <%Fu> (We were moving, Drake. :P )
[19:53:07] * DrakeNero develops a sense of reading comprehension, and moves along
[19:53:34] <@Khayin> Myrtle continues to glance back as well, a look of concern growing on her face. Everyone knows why.
[19:53:44] <@Khayin> Once you take your eyes off the door, there is no going back.
[19:54:22] <%Fu> "If you want, you can turn backwards and link an arm with me, Miss Myrtle. That way, you can keep an eye out?"
[19:55:36] <@Khayin> "Oh... um... thanks," she says, cautiously putting her arm through Fu's and forgetting for a moment to keep her eye on the door.
[19:55:37] <DrakeNero> "Why doesn't Mala lead the way, you two work and I'll take up watch."
[19:55:48] <%Fu> "Yes."
[19:55:55] <@Khayin> (Perception, please)
[19:56:05] <%Fu> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[19:56:06] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[19:56:06] <The_Lady> 3, 3, 3, 5, 7, 8
[19:56:06] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[19:56:11] <@Khayin> (Drake gets a +1 bonus for "being on watch")
[19:56:11] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[19:56:12] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[19:56:12] <The_Lady> 1, 1, 8, 9
[19:56:12] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[19:56:19] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 1 8 10
[19:56:20] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[19:56:20] <The_Lady> 4
[19:56:20] <The_Lady> rolled 1d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[19:56:23] <DrakeNero> (dos)
[19:56:29] <Mala> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[19:56:30] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[19:56:30] <The_Lady> 1, 5, 7, 9
[19:56:30] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[19:56:37] <Mala> (1 for me)
[19:57:32] <%Fu> (1)
[19:57:50] <@Khayin> Mala does her best to find her way through the brush. She very quickly comes to the same conclusion that Fu did himself -- the stream seems to be the easiest path to follow. She understands, though, that it is because it is shaped exactly like a stream in Pine Falls.
[19:58:12] <@Khayin> The one that flows from the falls.
[19:58:37] * Fu doesn't complain too much about the blood that is on his hands at this point, even as he holds bloody chunks of person.
[19:59:16] <@Khayin> Drake, on the other hand, is more concerned with their surroundings. When Fu and Myrtle are done chopping up their assailant, the Catch-a-calls shouldn't be much of a problem. The tracks on the ground, on the other hand...
[19:59:28] <@Khayin> Border Reavers
[20:00:16] <DrakeNero> "Shit."
[20:00:36] <%Fu> "What now?"
[20:00:41] <Mala> "Why shit? D: "
[20:00:53] <DrakeNero> "Border Reavers."
[20:01:01] <Mala> "...what's that? o_o "
[20:01:09] <DrakeNero> "Bad news."
[20:01:22] <Mala> "Oh..."
[20:01:53] <@Khayin> (Intelligence + Occult. Faeish specialties apply)
[20:02:10] <%Fu> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[20:02:11] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[20:02:11] <The_Lady> 1, 5, 7, 8
[20:02:11] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[20:02:15] <Mala> !roll_ww 3 8 10
[20:02:16] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[20:02:16] <The_Lady> 1, 3, 6, 10
[20:02:16] <The_Lady> rolled 3d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[20:02:37] <@Khayin> (Drake gets an extra die for going "Shit" ;))
[20:03:01] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[20:03:02] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[20:03:02] <The_Lady> 1, 6, 7, 9
[20:03:02] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[20:03:08] <DrakeNero> (Bah forgot my die)
[20:03:12] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 1 8 10
[20:03:13] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[20:03:13] <The_Lady> 2
[20:03:13] <The_Lady> rolled 1d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[20:03:21] <@Khayin> (XD)
[20:05:00] <@Khayin> Drake remembers a little -- big reptilian things that really don't like people. They're intelligent and extremely violent.
[20:05:40] <@Khayin> Mala and Fu have heard of territorial hobgoblins that frequent the area. Those must be the Border Reavers he's talking about.
[20:06:08] <DrakeNero> "They're big, reptilian things. Most importantly--intelligent and violent."
[20:06:08] <%Fu> "... Oh wonderful, I get to play diplomat like Mogwai had intended." :S
[20:06:35] <%Fu> "Allow me to add that I also know that they are terrotorial."
[20:07:04] <@Khayin> (Intelligence + Survival, please, Mala)
[20:07:13] <Mala> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[20:07:14] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[20:07:14] <The_Lady> 1, 3, 6, 6
[20:07:14] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[20:07:19] <Mala> (glee. x_x )
[20:08:12] <@Khayin> If they're territorial, you can't figure out where their "territory" begins and ends. The flora around here makes it difficult to spot much in the way of hints.
[20:08:21] <%Fu> (Could Fu try?)
[20:08:35] <@Khayin> (Sure, but at a -1 penalty)
[20:09:03] <%Fu> !roll_ww 3 8 10 That's still not a chance dice
[20:09:04] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[20:09:04] <The_Lady> 2, 6, 9
[20:09:04] <The_Lady> rolled 3d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[20:09:09] <%Fu> (booyah)
[20:09:42] <@Khayin> It's hard to really be sure, but... you think all the tracks that Drake pointed out are on this side of the stream. You don't see any on the other side.
[20:09:51] <%Fu> "... Let's cross."
[20:10:15] <@Khayin> (Is Mala leading folks along the stream or finding a path elsewhere?)
[20:10:28] <%Fu> (As a note, Fu would be trying to keep Mala near the stream.)
[20:10:39] <%Fu> "Please."
[20:10:43] <Mala> "Why? Did you see something? D: "
[20:11:00] <%Fu> "The tracks Drake pointed out aren't on the other side."
[20:12:17] * Fu begins going for the stream, looking out for Catch-a-calls.
[20:12:42] <@Khayin> "Um... are you sure going through the stream is safer?" Myrtle asks, staring into the unnaturally purple water.
[20:13:40] <%Fu> (How big is the river?)
[20:13:49] <DrakeNero> "How far are we going to go?"
[20:14:10] <%Fu> "To the other side and then a mile, before looking for a gate."
[20:14:26] <@Khayin> It's only about fifty feet across and doesn't look particularly deep. The water just looks... scary.
[20:15:08] * Fu stiffens his spine, and says, "No, I'm not. However, I am more afraid of the hobgoblins."
[20:15:36] <@Khayin> (Wits + Survival)
[20:15:41] <Mala> "I can carry someone across if it's a problem for them..."
[20:15:53] <Mala> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[20:15:54] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[20:15:54] <The_Lady> 1, 5, 6, 9
[20:15:54] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[20:16:21] <%Fu> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[20:16:22] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[20:16:22] <The_Lady> 5, 6, 7, 8
[20:16:22] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[20:16:33] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 1 8 10 (not a chance die)
[20:16:34] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[20:16:34] <The_Lady> 3
[20:16:34] <The_Lady> rolled 1d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[20:17:50] <@Khayin> Fu and Mala notice, just in time, that there are things in the water. Vines, they at first appeared, but then they wriggled when Fu stepped in. A strange fish brushed by one and was immediately snatched and dragged beneath the mud.
[20:18:03] <Mala> "Er.... or not."
[20:18:08] <%Fu> "... =_="
[20:18:12] <Mala> "Let's... not go that way."
[20:18:30] <@Khayin> It looks possible to avoid them... it'll just require careful footing.
[20:18:50] <%Fu> "I'll take my chances." Charming smile.
[20:19:11] <DrakeNero> "you guys are aware that i need to keep staring back this way..."
[20:19:28] <DrakeNero> "I'm not particularly interested in getting eaten or violated or worse by some sort of fish."
[20:19:36] <%Fu> (burning glamour for Fu's action of stupid. Can I has willpower for going with his vice?)
[20:20:08] <Mala> "Vines, actually. Or something." ....Mala has a thought, and dips a root in, veryvery gently.
[20:20:20] <@Khayin> (After you get through it, sure)
[20:20:35] <@Khayin> (Into the water, or poking a vine?)
[20:20:45] <%Fu> (What do you want me to roll?)
[20:20:52] <Mala> (into the water)
[20:20:56] <%Fu> "Actually, a vine would be a good idea."
[20:21:03] <Mala> (She just wants to see how they react to another plantish thing >.> )
[20:21:09] <%Fu> "But there isn't one long enough." :S
[20:22:06] * Fu shrugs and makes his attempt.
[20:22:12] <@Khayin> (Dexterity + Athletics to avoid the vines)
[20:22:33] <%Fu> !roll_ww 8 8 10 (glamour)
[20:22:34] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[20:22:34] <The_Lady> 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 9
[20:22:34] <The_Lady> rolled 8d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[20:22:54] <Mala> !roll_ww 5 8 10
[20:22:56] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[20:22:56] <The_Lady> 2, 3, 5, 5, 9, 10, 10
[20:22:56] <The_Lady> rolled 5d10. Got 3 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[20:23:13] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[20:23:14] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[20:23:14] <The_Lady> 2, 3, 3, 8, 10
[20:23:14] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[20:23:58] <@Khayin> Luckily, everyone manages to avoid the vines just well enough to get past them. Mala, however pokes her root at one for a brief moment and finds that the vine... seems confused.
[20:24:15] <Mala> >;3
[20:24:19] <@Khayin> So confused, in fact, that it slowly rises out of the water like some sort of vegetative periscope.
[20:24:28] <@Khayin> As do the other five dozen...
[20:24:34] <Mala> .....
[20:24:42] <%Fu> "Oh fuck you, Mala."
[20:24:52] <DrakeNero> "What did you just *do* ?"
[20:24:58] <Mala> "It's not my fault I'm a tree.. ;___; "
[20:25:31] <DrakeNero> "Is this going to end in tentacle rape? or would it be considered dendrophilia?"
[20:25:52] <%Fu> "At least it isn't necropedodendrophilia."
[20:25:55] <Mala> "...I don't know what those mean. DX "
[20:26:13] * Fu is stepping backwards, standing in front of Myrtle.
[20:26:22] <@Khayin> Slowly, the vines begin to slither toward Mala, surrounding her and seemingly ignoring the others.
[20:26:23] <DrakeNero> "That's getting off with a stick."
[20:26:35] <%Fu> "Got wood?"
[20:26:38] <DrakeNero> "A young stick."
[20:26:39] <Mala> "...just go, I think they only care about me..."
[20:26:49] <%Fu> *"NO."*
[20:26:54] <%Fu> >:(
[20:27:18] <Mala> "I didn't say leave me, just get out of the water before they change their minds..."
[20:27:33] * DrakeNero skeedadles.
[20:27:51] * Fu grabs Mala's arm. "You can STILL walk though!"
[20:29:15] <Mala> ".... -__- " Mala grabs Fu, picks him up, and starts wading. "If you get dendroazalea'd like Drake said it's not my fault."
[20:29:41] <%Fu> "I'll tell you what that is once we get back."
[20:31:45] <@Khayin> (All right, this is gonna be a weird roll, Mala... Stamina + Resolve with a +1 bonus)
[20:32:02] <Mala> !roll_ww 7 8 10
[20:32:03] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[20:32:03] <The_Lady> 2, 2, 2, 4, 6, 9, 9
[20:32:03] <The_Lady> rolled 7d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[20:33:32] <@Khayin> Just as Mala plucked Fu effortlessly from the stream, the vines shot forward and wrapped around Mala's legs. All at once, they attempted to drag her down into the mud... yet the really odd part was the whispering that she kept hearing in her head.
[20:34:14] <@Khayin> "Come eat with me... come play with me... come live with me..."
[20:34:33] <Mala> "Gah!" Mala grabs for something stable that is not a person on the bank. "Can't play, busy! DX"
[20:34:33] <%Fu> (The hentacles have a crush on Mala~)
[20:34:58] <@Khayin> Step by careful step, she manages to resist their pull and slowly make her way to the other side of the stream.
[20:35:24] <@Khayin> On the dry side, Drake can practically hear Myrtle gritting her teeth in panic.
[20:35:30] <%Fu> >_<
[20:35:36] <Mala> "Grabbing people isn't polite! DX"
[20:35:44] <%Fu> "What are you talking about, Mala?" He whispers.
[20:35:56] <Mala> "They wanted me to come live and play and eat with them. >.<"
[20:36:23] <DrakeNero> "I'm going to err on the side of dendrophilia, then."
[20:37:10] <@Khayin> "You guys are crazy!" Myrtle rasps under her breath, trying not to yell. "And that's saying something coming from me!"
[20:37:10] <%Fu> Fu looks wide-eyed and purely terrified for a moment, before saying "I... see..."
[20:37:31] <DrakeNero> "it's best not to get worked up over it."
[20:37:34] <%Fu> "Lady, stating the obvious in my cast."
[20:37:37] <%Fu> (case
[20:37:39] <Mala> "...I'm not crazy D: "
[20:37:51] <DrakeNero> "If I freaked over every weird thing that followed these two around, I'd have gone off the deep end by now."
[20:37:54] <%Fu> (Are we all across?)
[20:38:19] <@Khayin> (Yes)
[20:38:25] <%Fu> (And can I get Charity virtue for this stunt?)
[20:38:35] * Fu looks for tracks on this side.
[20:39:44] <@Khayin> (Mala took the real risk, so I'm gonna say not yet. Ask me about Virtue benefits once you guys are actually out of the Hedge)
[20:39:53] <%Fu> (Okay then)
[20:40:16] <Mala> (Keep in mind my Fortitude/Envy, not that I think any of this really mattered for it. I'm just super low on willpower >_> )
[20:40:16] <%Fu> (Does she get any goodies for resisting the voices? >.>)
[20:40:33] <%Fu> (I'd think Fortitude would work for this!)
[20:40:33] <@Khayin> It looks clear here. If what you remember is true, Border Reavers don't really stray from their territory.
[20:40:56] <%Fu> "Phew. Keep an eye for catch-a-calls..."
[20:41:04] <%Fu> "And let's get walking."
[20:41:23] * Fu isn't mentioning that he is probably still being carried by Mala.
[20:42:41] <DrakeNero> "I'm on it."
[20:42:57] <%Fu> (We still have meat, right? >_> )
[20:43:04] <@Khayin> (Yes)
[20:43:11] <%Fu> (good)
[20:43:29] <@Khayin> (Drake, roll Perception +1, please)
[20:43:37] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 5 8 10
[20:43:38] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[20:43:38] <The_Lady> 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
[20:43:38] <The_Lady> rolled 5d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[20:43:49] <%Fu> (lame)
[20:44:47] <@Khayin> Doesn't seem like anything is here, but you keep your eyes peeled. It has been... a very long time.
[20:45:19] <@Khayin> (Mala, roll Intelligence + Survival, please)
[20:45:27] <Mala> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[20:45:28] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[20:45:28] <The_Lady> 4, 4, 7, 9
[20:45:28] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[20:46:17] <@Khayin> After about a mile, you glance up a large hill and start to get a sense of deja-vu. This place looks familiar, if only because it resembles someplace you've been in Pine Falls.
[20:46:23] * Fu is keeping an eye out for them as well; after all he is one of the people with meat.
[20:49:47] <@Khayin> There is... sort of a path up the hill. Hard to see through all the brush, and it appears more like a heavy amount of foot traffic passed through rather than it being a real trail.
[20:51:33] <@Khayin> (Fu can make the Perception roll, too, sans the bonus)
[20:51:47] <%Fu> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[20:51:48] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[20:51:48] <The_Lady> 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 9, 10
[20:51:48] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 4 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[20:51:53] <%Fu> (woo~)
[20:53:47] <@Khayin> You've been throwing meat into the thicket here and there, watching as pure white avian monstrosities swoop down form the branches and snap the chunks up, carrying them back into the canopy where bestial squawks go wild.
[20:53:59] <%Fu> "... Well, shit."
[20:54:25] * Fu sort of d'awwws quietly too.
[20:54:44] <%Fu> "Should we begin looking for a way out now?"
[20:54:47] <@Khayin> You've noticed the last dozen yards or so, however, that your lobbed chunks of man-meat have elicited gradually lesser response.
[20:55:03] <%Fu> "... CAN we begin looking for one now?"
[20:55:32] <DrakeNero> "Ask our guide."
[20:56:09] <%Fu> "Mala? We are getting less of a response from the meat, and I suspect that we are pretty close to nesting catch-a-calls."
[20:56:26] <Mala> "Uhm. o_o "
[20:57:34] <@Khayin> (Keep moving forward along the river or scout out the hillside path?)
[20:57:45] <%Fu> "... Should I take command again and see about finding the Path again?"
[20:58:46] <Mala> "It might be a good idea. I don't really know what we're looking for.."
[20:58:57] <DrakeNero> "I'll just maintain my watch."
[20:59:31] * Fu invokes the catch again of Pathfinder.
[20:59:51] <%Fu> !roll_ww 5 8 10
[20:59:52] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[20:59:52] <The_Lady> 1, 3, 6, 8, 9
[20:59:52] <The_Lady> rolled 5d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[21:00:58] <%Fu> (Has it been less than an hour since we have entered?)
[21:01:57] <@Khayin> (Technically, yes. Time is weird here, as you know)
[21:02:13] <%Fu> (Good)
[21:02:24] <%Fu> (Are we on the path?)
[21:02:52] <@Khayin> The first thing you notice is that the goblin fruits are more sparse in this area. After a bit of inspection, you also see a trail worn into the hill-side up into the darker parts of the hedge.
[21:03:39] <%Fu> (And is this 'somewhat familiar section of the hometown?')
[21:03:47] <%Fu> (page 218 in the Changeling core)(
[21:04:07] <@Khayin> (Roll Intelligence + Survival)
[21:04:34] <Mala> (all of us? >.> )
[21:04:50] <@Khayin> (Fu)
[21:04:56] <%Fu> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[21:04:57] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[21:04:57] <The_Lady> 1, 1, 6, 7
[21:04:57] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[21:05:04] <%Fu> ( :S )
[21:05:33] <@Khayin> It doesn't seem very familiar to Fu, but Mala gets the feeling she's been here before. Just can't put her finger on it.
[21:05:50] <Mala> "...I feel like I've been here before but I know I haven't..."
[21:06:07] <%Fu> (So, a section of hometown, yes?)
[21:06:31] <%Fu> (I'm about to do the intelligence + investigation + wyrd for finding an active gateway)
[21:06:35] <@Khayin> (Area visited only once or described in detail)
[21:07:10] <%Fu> (So we need to pull it off good...)
[21:07:22] <%Fu> (Glamour and willpower burned for this roll)
[21:07:46] <%Fu> !roll_ww 14 8 10
[21:07:47] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[21:07:47] <The_Lady> 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 10
[21:07:47] <The_Lady> rolled 14d10. Got 4 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[21:08:30] <%Fu> (What happens when we are on the threshold of less than an hour and one to eight hours?)
[21:09:05] <%Fu> (And is there a well-known/often-used gateway in the area?)
[21:10:28] <@Khayin> (Not that you know)
[21:11:03] <@Khayin> It's a gut feeling more than an actual sense, but Fu's attention is drawn to the darkest part of the hill, through a bit of the Thorns and past where the trees seem to melt together.
[21:11:16] <@Khayin> There is something up there. A way out, perhaps.
[21:11:17] * Fu points in that direction. "That way."
[21:11:44] <%Fu> "We need to spread out that way, but make sure everyone can see and HEAR each other."
[21:11:51] <Mala> "Okay..."
[21:13:19] <%Fu> (Teamwork time!)
[21:13:36] <%Fu> (But a break so Seras can shower?)
[21:13:47] DrakeNero is now known as Drake|Shower.
[21:13:57] <@Khayin> (Indeed)
[21:15:56] <@Khayin> (In the meantime, y'all can make Wits + Survival -2 rolls)
[21:16:04] <@Khayin> (Or whenever anyone gets back)
[21:17:11] <%Fu> !roll_ww 2 8 10
[21:17:12] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[21:17:12] <The_Lady> 2, 9
[21:17:12] <The_Lady> rolled 2d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[21:18:42] <Mala> !roll_ww 2 8 10
[21:18:44] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[21:18:44] <The_Lady> 4, 7
[21:18:44] <The_Lady> rolled 2d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[21:35:44] Drake|Shower is now known as DrakeNero.
[21:36:20] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 1 8 10 (now it's a chance die)
[21:36:21] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[21:36:22] <The_Lady> 8
[21:36:22] <The_Lady> rolled 1d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[21:36:49] <%Fu> (If it's a chance dice, you need to do a 10 10
[21:37:09] <DrakeNero> (or I can just say 'nope, didn't succeed' )
[21:37:15] <DrakeNero> Nope, didn't succeed
[21:39:14] <@Khayin> If there were anything more frightening than hobgoblins in the hedge, it would be the Thorns. Memories of feeling your soul ripped apart make you uneasy to be anywhere near them and journeying into the thick is hardly your idea of an optimal path. Nevertheless, it does seem that a path was indeed carved through here. Several, actually. Not long after you begin your search it becomes...
[21:39:17] <@Khayin> ...apparent that there is actually a maze through the hedge.
[21:40:36] Lioness left IRC. (Disintegrated: )
[21:40:52] <%Fu> "Oooo. A maze." :D He freezes as he lights up, his face shifting to horror at himself. Bad memories.
[21:41:26] <%Fu> "Okay, let's try looking. I know the rough location, but we should work together to find the precise location."
[21:41:31] <@Khayin> Thankfully, Fu manages to figure out the path without leading the group into anything particularly dangerous, although he notices that the maze isn't the only hazard. Apparently, portions of the maze are rigged with strange traps.
[21:41:36] <%Fu> (Since we only need one more succession... )
[21:41:41] <%Fu> (success)
[21:42:12] <Mala> o.o
[21:42:56] <%Fu> "Just watch out; there are... traps."
[21:43:08] <%Fu> "... God I feel like I am in a real-life dungeon crawl. >_<"
[21:43:28] <DrakeNero> "Who's the tank?"
[21:43:32] * Fu wonders for a second if the Fetch Noel played D&D still.
[21:43:39] <%Fu> "Mala."
[21:43:44] <DrakeNero> "We don't have a cleric."
[21:43:57] <Mala> "I'm not a tank. D: I'm not full of water or stuff. >.> "
[21:44:05] <%Fu> "Do ANY contracts have a heal clause?"
[21:44:10] <DrakeNero> "No."
[21:44:15] <DrakeNero> "Well none of mine."
[21:44:23] <%Fu> "I suppose I can be a buff cleric?"
[21:44:24] <DrakeNero> "I'm the dragon anyway."
[21:44:35] <DrakeNero> "What edition are you playing anyway?"
[21:44:44] <DrakeNero> He gives Fu a weird look.
[21:44:46] <@Khayin> Myrtle cocks her eyebrow at the three of you, wondering silently how she got mixed up with you.
[21:44:47] <%Fu> "Varies on what I can get my hands on."
[21:45:03] <%Fu> "I just like playing with luck."
[21:45:31] <Mala> "I have no idea what you're all talking about x_x "
[21:45:43] <%Fu> "Which means we should get looking."
[21:45:55] <%Fu> "Watch out for traps, and shout if you find something."
[21:46:07] <%Fu> (How do you handle teamwork in nWoD...?0
[21:46:35] <DrakeNero> "Hopefully it won't be the pained sort of shouting when you find something."
[21:47:10] <@Khayin> (Everyone can just roll and pool successes together)
[21:47:10] <%Fu> "I just hope it isn't a hentai scream."
[21:47:14] <%Fu> (Aaah)
[21:47:36] <@Khayin> (At this point, though, it's going to be a Wits + Investigation roll. Bonuses for puzzles and such count)
[21:47:44] <%Fu> ( okay dokie)
[21:47:55] <%Fu> (+ wyrd?)
[21:50:17] <@Khayin> (... why Wyrd?)
[21:51:16] <%Fu> (due to the whole roll for finding a gateway involves investigation + intelligence + wyrd? I would think the gate finding involves relying on your sense of your fae side too.)
[21:52:08] <@Khayin> (... oh. I see it now. Damn, they hide that well. Yeah, Intelligence+Investigation+Wyrd)
[21:52:16] <Mala> !roll_ww 5 8 10
[21:52:17] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[21:52:17] <The_Lady> 5, 8, 8, 8, 9
[21:52:17] <The_Lady> rolled 5d10. Got 4 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[21:52:23] <%Fu> !roll_ww 7 8 10
[21:52:24] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[21:52:24] <The_Lady> 1, 1, 1, 2, 6, 7, 9
[21:52:24] <The_Lady> rolled 7d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[21:52:28] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 5 8 10
[21:52:29] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[21:52:29] <The_Lady> 3, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 10
[21:52:29] <The_Lady> rolled 5d10. Got 3 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[21:52:38] <@Khayin> Perfect.
[21:52:45] <%Fu> (Well, in an hour, we'll find it, definitely. :D )
[21:52:50] <%Fu> (And it's actually...)
[21:53:02] <%Fu> (4 from the original roll, 8 from there...)
[21:53:15] <%Fu> (We go 7 over. :D )
[21:53:25] <@Khayin> (Note that I don't think this roll is cooperative -- I was just answering your question about when they are)
[21:53:45] <@Khayin> (But even individually, at least one of you made it)
[21:54:35] <%Fu> (Ah. )
[21:55:41] <@Khayin> The maze was large and the hill felt a longer than it looked from the bottom. Fortunately, the thorns seemed to thin out the higher you went and the more a real path emerged. After another hour of searching, you followed the corridor to a light at the end of the thorny tunnel...
[21:56:54] <@Khayin> When you left the maze, you found yourselves in a large and wonderfully frightening garden surrounding a rather large... mansion? It was hard to say.
[21:57:21] <Mala> "...huh? o.o "
[21:57:29] <%Fu> o . o
[21:57:49] * Fu makes a sound that sounds like elation and raw fear.
[21:57:50] <@Khayin> It was as if you had taken an entire town out of the old west and put all the homes and buildings together to form a small castle.
[21:58:44] <DrakeNero> "This is bizarre."
[21:58:57] <%Fu> "I... I..."
[21:59:12] <%Fu> "A thing of beauty hobbled together..."
[21:59:19] <@Khayin> The garden surrounding it was like a lush forest of barely-controlled plants in only the most vague sense. The plants seemed far more alive than anything else here and the way some snapped at each other did little to dissuade the notion.
[21:59:28] * Fu shuts his eyes.
[22:01:26] <DrakeNero> "Is this where we wanted to be?"
[22:01:30] * Fu opens his eyes again, adjusting his glasses to shield his eyes with a glare. "Well. What should we do?"
[22:01:37] <%Fu> (Roll to figure out what it is?)
[22:02:07] <@Khayin> (Intelligence + Composure -1)
[22:02:28] <%Fu> !roll_ww 5 8 10
[22:02:29] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[22:02:29] <The_Lady> 1, 4, 5, 8, 9
[22:02:29] <The_Lady> rolled 5d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[22:03:43] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 3 8 10
[22:03:44] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[22:03:44] <The_Lady> 3, 4, 8, 10
[22:03:44] <The_Lady> rolled 3d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[22:04:11] <@Khayin> ... you know... that hill did seem familiar. Looking at this mansion, you're pretty sure you can figure out what you're looking at, even though it looks nothing like its counterpart on the other side.
[22:04:23] <@Khayin> This is around where the biggest mansion in Pine Falls should be.
[22:04:28] <%Fu> "... Oh /god./"
[22:04:40] * Fu bursts out laughing.
[22:05:06] <DrakeNero> "What's so FUCKING funny, boy?"
[22:05:18] <%Fu> "I... Ahahha..."
[22:05:30] <%Fu> "See, I'm sort of dating Miss Theresa."
[22:05:30] <@Khayin> (Perception)
[22:05:32] * DrakeNero doesn't find this discovery humorous at all
[22:05:36] <%Fu> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[22:05:37] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[22:05:37] <The_Lady> 2, 2, 2, 4, 5, 8
[22:05:37] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[22:05:41] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[22:05:41] <Mala> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[22:05:42] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[22:05:42] <The_Lady> 2, 5, 8, 9
[22:05:42] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[22:05:43] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[22:05:43] <The_Lady> 2, 2, 3, 7
[22:05:43] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[22:06:23] <%Fu> "I just find it amusing as hell that she'd be connected to this in a way. That and I'm trying not to curse to the four corners of the earth." ^_^
[22:06:35] <@Khayin> The garden seemed rather curious about what was so funny, too. Everything seemed to quiet and turn in the group's direction. Flowers and plants and even trees actually seemed to whirl around to face Fu.
[22:06:41] <Mala> "I don't get it... o_o"
[22:07:13] * Fu steps forward and bows to the plants, muttering out of the corner of his mouth, "run for it."
[22:07:39] <Mala> "...why?
[22:08:06] * Mala waves to the plants o.o
[22:08:09] <%Fu> "Just in case." =_=
[22:08:23] * DrakeNero is holding his ground
[22:08:26] <@Khayin> The flowers wave back.
[22:08:31] <%Fu> Fu clears his throat and asks very politely, "May we please pass though?"
[22:08:44] <@Khayin> The pitcher plants, on the other hand, begin to bellow with laughter.
[22:09:06] <@Khayin> Some of the trees nod. The rest shake side to side.
[22:10:04] <Mala> "There seems to be some difference of opinion... o.o "
[22:10:21] <%Fu> "We are simply passing by, and we need shelter," Fu continues to speak in a gentle voice, "Perhaps we can reach an agreement?"
[22:11:50] <@Khayin> A loud bellowing groan that chills each of you to your very core resonates through the garden, instantly silencing the psychotic flora and putting them still.
[22:12:25] * Fu keeps perfectly still, as if he was... a work of art.
[22:12:48] * DrakeNero bristles.
[22:12:55] <Mala> Likewise, Mala becomes part of the scenery. >.>
[22:13:21] * Fu is still standing there, he is just... waiting.
[22:13:21] * DrakeNero draws his lips back, as if bearing fangs... but he doesn't really *have* fangs
[22:13:57] <@Khayin> "... that... that was..." Myrtle gulps, going white as beads of sweat form on her forehead.
[22:14:22] <%Fu> "Poacher, I would presume?" He says in a soft voice.
[22:15:05] <@Khayin> She nods, staring at the mansion in a different light.
[22:15:26] <%Fu> "... I am /not/ surprised." =_=
[22:15:26] <@Khayin> "We need... to get out of the hedge..."
[22:16:06] * Fu takes out the brass knuckles from the first fight again.
[22:16:15] * Fu looks at the others.
[22:16:21] <%Fu> "You think...?"
[22:17:55] <%Fu> ( Come on guys, he wants an answer...))
[22:18:37] <DrakeNero> (sorry was looking down for a sec)
[22:18:52] <DrakeNero> "Do I think what?'
[22:18:57] <DrakeNero> "THat was can take him?"
[22:19:00] <DrakeNero> "Hell no."
[22:19:16] <%Fu> "Do you think we should try? I have a suspicion..."
[22:19:57] <DrakeNero> "A suspicion that you might taste good with mustard?
[22:20:05] <@Khayin> Myrtle slowly creeps toward the front entrance of the mansion, eyeing the maze warily. She holds her gun close, darting her eyes about.
[22:20:53] <%Fu> "Ha, no, actually. I think that with teamwork, and a little luck, we can take this bitch on. And I think I have an ace up my sleeve."
[22:21:04] <%Fu> "Mala, you think you can ask your cousins to help us?"
[22:21:48] <DrakeNero> "Plant army. Clever."
[22:21:50] <Mala> From behind you, she murmurs "Maybe...."
[22:22:38] <%Fu> "Try it. We need to use every advantage we can think up."
[22:22:57] <%Fu> "I can't charge up an attack now; Hearth's ban is against us right now."
[22:23:18] <%Fu> "But I can make fate go against Poacher."
[22:23:24] <@Khayin> Shooting the three of you her now typical "You guys are crazy!" look, Myrtle advances to the front doors and looks for a way inside.
[22:23:48] <%Fu> "Myrtle."
[22:24:03] <Mala> (Dropping willpower because my Socialize + Wyrd sucks...)
[22:24:22] * Fu gives her the most winning smile a Fairest can muster. "We could use your sharpshooting here."
[22:24:29] <Mala> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[22:24:31] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[22:24:31] <The_Lady> 1, 2, 2, 4, 8, 8
[22:24:31] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[22:26:11] <%Fu> (Should I use Presence + Persuasion + Striking Looks now? )
[22:26:25] <@Khayin> The plants are so silent, you almost wonder if you can even hear them. Whispers here and there suggest you are once again thinking on their terms, however. "... poor things..." they seem to whisper.
[22:26:30] <@Khayin> (Go for it)
[22:27:03] <Mala> "Hey," she whispers to a nearby plant, "what was that? >.> "
[22:27:10] <%Fu> !roll_ww 8 8 10 Willpower
[22:27:11] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[22:27:11] <The_Lady> 2, 3, 3, 3, 6, 7, 7, 9
[22:27:11] <The_Lady> rolled 8d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[22:27:33] <%Fu> ( :S )
[22:28:09] <@Khayin> "The Poacher..." the whisper back. "You should be quiet. It's so sad... poor things..."
[22:28:57] <%Fu> "Silence didn't win me Theresa." He mutters.
[22:29:13] * Fu turns in the direction of the roar.
[22:29:31] DrakeNero_ joined the channel.
[22:29:48] DrakeNero left IRC. (Ping timeout)
[22:29:57] DrakeNero_ is now known as DrakeNero.
[22:30:23] <@Khayin> (The whispering was the plants to Mala)
[22:30:31] <Mala> "I don't think that matters much now... have you ever seen anyone beat the Poacher, or even just get away from him?"
[22:30:45] <%Fu> (ah)
[22:31:59] <@Khayin> Gritting her teeth, Myrtle silently returns to the group and in a raspy whisper says, "I'm as ready to take on the opposition as anyone, but you guys don't know that thing! We need to get out of here!"
[22:32:35] <%Fu> "You can run if things get messy. But just think about what Summer would say if we four came back with Poacher's head?"
[22:32:42] <@Khayin> (Was Mala speaking to the plants?)
[22:32:45] <Mala> (yes)
[22:32:55] <DrakeNero> "Don't use her court against her." Drake hisses. "this is foolishness."
[22:33:23] <@Khayin> "No need..." the garden whispers, contentedly. "It does not poach here."
[22:33:29] <@Khayin> "It fears the master."
[22:33:35] <%Fu> "... ?"
[22:33:44] <@Khayin> (Again. Plants to Mala)
[22:33:48] * DrakeNero moves alongside Myrtle.
[22:33:50] <Mala> "Wait... they say the Poacher doesn't poach here, because it fears the master... but what's the Master? o.o"
[22:33:54] <%Fu> (I know)
[22:33:59] <%Fu> "Being fae is foolishness incarnate."
[22:34:12] <DrakeNero> "You're not all Fae."
[22:34:26] <%Fu> He sighs, looking at Drake. "Unfortunately, this sort of thing is my very essence."
[22:34:33] <%Fu> "It was why I was Taken."
[22:34:35] <DrakeNero> "It's your grave, then."
[22:34:48] <%Fu> "Then maybe my Fetch will be able to have some fortune if I die."
[22:35:07] <%Fu> No smile.
[22:35:09] <Mala> -_-
[22:35:14] <%Fu> No laughter. Just... nothing.
[22:35:16] <@Khayin> "Guys!" Myrtle rasps again. "You don't get what I'm saying!"
[22:35:35] <DrakeNero> "What ARE you saying?"
[22:35:47] <@Khayin> At that moment the front doors creak open widely and rather loudly.
[22:37:42] <Mala> o.o
[22:37:50] <@Khayin> Myrtle turns to look, her eyes narrowing. "... we can discuss it later. I'm not kidding -- we need to move! If there is a gateway here, Fu, you need to find it!"
[22:39:01] <%Fu> (Tell me where it IS then!)
[22:39:09] <DrakeNero> "Listen to her. I trust her. Let's move."
[22:39:18] * Fu nods then.
[22:39:44] <@Khayin> (Inside. Should be able to figure it out once you've looked around a bit)
[22:39:57] <%Fu> "We have to go inside."
[22:40:21] <@Khayin> (Perception)
[22:40:29] <%Fu> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[22:40:30] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[22:40:30] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[22:40:30] <The_Lady> 2, 2, 7, 8, 8, 9
[22:40:30] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 3 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[22:40:31] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[22:40:31] <The_Lady> 4, 6, 8, 8
[22:40:31] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[22:40:56] <Mala> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[22:40:57] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[22:40:57] <The_Lady> 5, 5, 6, 7
[22:40:57] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[22:41:07] <Mala> (Mala's still talkin' to plants, whee)
[22:42:45] <@Khayin> The plants, for their part, seem rather content to mourn for... something. Myrtle just about dashes toward the mansion, not minding the nearly pitch darkness inside.
[22:43:23] <Mala> "Is the master inside? Why's the poacher afraid of him? D: "
[22:43:39] <%Fu> Fu grabs Mala. "Come ON!"
[22:44:00] <Mala> "Gah! But the Poacher won't come here!"
[22:44:16] <@Khayin> "The master has been gone for some time..." they say. "... poor things..." They continue spouting that, not terribly minding whatever else is going on.
[22:44:37] <%Fu> "The way OUT is in the mansion!"
[22:45:15] <@Khayin> (Who's going in first after Myrtle?)
[22:45:15] <DrakeNero> "Let's go!"
[22:45:21] * DrakeNero will.
[22:45:31] <@Khayin> (Who is last?)
[22:45:49] <Mala> (Probably me, getting dragged because she doesn't see what the hurry is >_> )
[22:45:55] <%Fu> (Fu will go last if possible)
[22:46:17] <%Fu> And shut the the door as he gets in.)
[22:47:15] <Mala> "Sorry! Bye! D:" Mala waves to the plants as she gets dragged off by Fu.
[22:48:25] <@Khayin> You rush after Myrtle, hurrying into the dark mansion. All the windows seem to be shuttered and only slivers of light cut across the huge hall, covering most of the area in shadows. At first there seems to be no indication of the exit, but Fu notices one oddity on the upper level -- writing on the wall.
[22:48:55] <%Fu> "Hm?" He stops before the writing and caresses it almost like a lover.
[22:49:20] <@Khayin> It's hard to make out at first, but slowly the letters begin to take shape in your vision.
[22:49:27] <@Khayin> ANNA'S ROOM
[22:50:02] <%Fu> "Anna...?"
[22:50:18] <%Fu> (What should I roll to know who that is?"
[22:50:21] <%Fu> )
[22:50:30] <DrakeNero> "What?"
[22:50:48] <DrakeNero> "What did you just say?"
[22:50:58] * Fu touches the wall. "Am I seeing things?"
[22:51:07] * Fu traces the letters.
[22:51:35] <@Khayin> (Perception -2, anyone who is actually looking at the walls for writing)
[22:51:48] <%Fu> (He IS tracing the letters)
[22:52:07] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 2 8 10
[22:52:08] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[22:52:08] <The_Lady> 7, 7, 10
[22:52:08] <The_Lady> rolled 2d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[22:52:15] <@Khayin> (Most of the wall is not illuminated)
[22:52:19] <%Fu> Ah.
[22:53:12] <@Khayin> Looking in the direction Fu is apparently rather enthralled with, Drake squints and is able to make out what he muttered.
[22:53:17] * Fu is a bit too grateful for the shadows hiding his face burning.
[22:53:26] <@Khayin> "ANNA'S ROOM" it says.
[22:53:36] <DrakeNero> "...what the hell."
[22:53:50] <@Khayin> Next to it, further in the shadows, you can read something else.
[22:53:55] <@Khayin> "BOB'S ROOM"
[22:54:00] <DrakeNero> o.O
[22:54:10] <%Fu> (Should I do a roll, to know if Theresa mentioned family?)
[22:54:20] <@Khayin> (Intelligence + Composure)
[22:55:47] <@Khayin> (Mala, roll Perception)
[22:56:09] <Mala> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[22:56:12] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[22:56:12] <The_Lady> 3, 4, 5, 7
[22:56:12] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[22:56:36] <@Khayin> (Fu, that Intelligence + Composure was for you)
[22:57:32] <%Fu> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[22:57:33] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[22:57:33] <The_Lady> 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7, 10
[22:57:33] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[22:57:43] <%Fu> (I was getting a cookie, dammit)
[22:57:59] <@Khayin> Fu remembers only mention of her parents.
[22:58:29] <%Fu> "I... I don't think she mentioned siblings... did she? Did that even come up...?"
[22:59:18] <@Khayin> "What is it?" Myrtle asks from the shadows. "Did you find th-*" Her words are cut off rather abruptly.
[22:59:36] * Fu turns to look, his hand still flush against the wall.
[23:00:13] <DrakeNero> "Myrtle?"
[23:00:26] <@Khayin> At the same time, Mala finds the wind taken out of her as she feels two massive arms wrapping around her from behind, squeezing her rather uncomfortably and pinning her arms to her side.
[23:01:17] <Mala> (Oh, a grapple is it? >:3 )
[23:01:36] <@Khayin> (Indeed. You know the rules?)
[23:01:49] <%Fu> ( "HUUUUUUGGGGSSSS! :D "
[23:01:54] <%Fu> )
[23:03:18] <Mala> (Mmhmmm. I'd like to try an overpower.)
[23:04:03] <@Khayin> "Well, well, well..." a cold, raspy voice chuckles in the darkness where Myrtle was. "What do we have here, brozer? We haven't had vizitorz in a looooong time!"
[23:04:46] <%Fu> "We needed shelter." Fu's voice is clear and strong.
[23:04:58] <@Khayin> (Attacker's Strength is 4)
[23:05:46] <Mala> Mala plants her roots firmly and thrusts backwards, hopefully slamming her captor into a wall with enough force to dislodge his grip.
[23:06:09] <DrakeNero> (I'm going to use Ulf's Heart and light this place up!)
[23:06:11] * Fu steps from the wall, his hands trembling as he stands straight and tall in blood-stained clothes.
[23:06:14] <DrakeNero> (Light it up baby, whoo)
[23:06:21] <@Khayin> "Gwrraaaaawwwrrr..." something growls from where Mala was standing. "Therrrrre no shelterrrrr herrrre... just ourrrr home..."
[23:06:25] <Mala> !roll_ww 1 8 10
[23:06:27] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[23:06:27] <The_Lady> 6
[23:06:27] <The_Lady> rolled 1d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[23:06:32] <Mala> (Ffff. >_< )
[23:07:16] <@Khayin> Mala struggles against her captor's grip, but it is like an ogreish vice. He is massive, whatever he is. It's going to need a little more oomph to break free.
[23:07:52] <Mala> (..I'm an idiot, I have contracts of stone)
[23:08:00] <@Khayin> (Oops XD)
[23:08:07] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 8 8 10
[23:08:08] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[23:08:08] <The_Lady> 2, 2, 3, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 10
[23:08:08] <The_Lady> rolled 8d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[23:08:41] <DrakeNero> Drake suddenly lights up, a ring of flame appearing around his feet for a second before it vanishes into daylight
[23:09:19] * Fu laughs softly, with all of the arrogance of someone who KNOWS he is better, the summer light glimmering off his brass knuckles he hadn't removed and his gilded nails.
[23:12:01] <@Khayin> The whole hall instantly illuminates brightly, blinding anyone who wasn't prepared and casting their assailaints in sharp relief. The large one that gripped Mala from behind looked like some sort of massive mutant of a lion standing upright and wearing the tattered clothes of a vagrant. The spindly thing with the raspy voice shrieked and dropped his hold on Myrtle, letting her slump to the...
[23:12:03] <@Khayin> ...ground and forcing her to gasp in pain, clutching the knife in her side.
[23:12:06] <%Fu> (Hm. Does Phantasmal Bastion work in the Hdge too?)
[23:12:18] <@Khayin> (What is it?)
[23:12:41] <%Fu> (Hearth 3, adds a shield or a weapon in dreamscape combat)
[23:13:30] * DrakeNero flexes his claws and snarls
[23:13:47] <%Fu> (page 126 )
[23:14:20] <%Fu> (brb)
[23:14:30] <@Khayin> (I don't thiiiink so... hrm)
[23:14:43] <@Khayin> (Roll Initiative, everyone)
[23:14:45] <DrakeNero> A vague shimmer of heat surrounds him.
[23:15:05] <DrakeNero> (1 d10 + Mod, right?)
[23:15:52] <@Khayin> Correct
[23:16:09] <DrakeNero> !roll 1d10
[23:16:10] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[23:16:10] <The_Lady> 9
[23:16:10] <The_Lady> Rolled 9 on 1d10
[23:16:18] <DrakeNero> (13)
[23:16:39] <%Fu> !roll 1d10
[23:16:40] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[23:16:40] <The_Lady> 9
[23:16:40] <The_Lady> Rolled 9 on 1d10
[23:16:42] <Mala> !roll 1d10
[23:16:45] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[23:16:45] <The_Lady> 10
[23:16:45] <The_Lady> Rolled 10 on 1d10
[23:16:52] <Mala> (Boojah)
[23:16:53] <%Fu> (14)
[23:17:04] <Mala> (init is Dex + Composure, yes?)
[23:17:26] <@Khayin> (Yes)
[23:17:33] <Mala> (16 then :3 )
[23:18:02] <@Khayin> (Mala, then Fu and the bruiser, then Drake, then the spindly gremlin, then Myrtle)
[23:19:00] <@Khayin> (So, Mala calls action first)
[23:19:07] <%Fu> ((what dice does brass knuckles give?)
[23:19:10] <Mala> (First things first. Contracts of Stone. Then I'm gonna try to break grapple again.)
[23:19:31] <@Khayin> (Fu also beats the bruiser on the tie)
[23:20:13] <@Khayin> (Display Grandiose Might?)
[23:21:25] <@Khayin> (Is that the contract Mala is using?)
[23:21:44] <Mala> No, Might of the Terrible Brute, that's all I have)
[23:21:48] <@Khayin> (Oh, wait... that doesn't work for combat. Which one?)
[23:22:02] <@Khayin> (ooooh)
[23:22:14] <@Khayin> (Okay. Roll for it)
[23:22:40] <@Khayin> (+1 if you boast about how strong you are. XD)
[23:23:09] <Mala> For the first time she can remember, Mala gets really, really /angry/. Fists clenched, she plants her roots and drives backwards, a growl that sounds like snapping timbers escaping her lips. If this jerk doesn't let go, she's gonna /crush/ him.
[23:23:30] <@Khayin> (XD)
[23:23:56] <Mala> (that count? ;) )
[23:24:11] <DrakeNero> (two dice stunt!)
[23:24:14] <@Khayin> (Yup. Strength + Wyrd +1)
[23:24:23] <Mala> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[23:24:25] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[23:24:25] <The_Lady> 1, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7
[23:24:25] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[23:24:29] <Mala> (....oh come on)
[23:24:38] <@Khayin> (You missed something...)
[23:24:53] <Mala> (no? That was Strength + Wyrd + 1)
[23:25:08] <@Khayin> (Oh, yeah, you're right. My bust!)
[23:25:20] <Mala> !roll_ww 1 8 10 well shit
[23:25:22] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[23:25:22] <The_Lady> 5
[23:25:22] <The_Lady> rolled 1d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[23:25:27] <Mala> ( -___- )
[23:25:36] <Mala> (Fuck you, The Lady.)
[23:25:43] <@Khayin> (Lady is harsh!)
[23:25:45] <%Fu> Fu rushes at the gremlin, his fists clenched and a manic gleam in his eyes. The only thing that betrays his glamour is a pulse in his arms, a wing sweeping across the back of his neck as power rushes up and down his spine. (Might of the Terrible Brute for Fu!)
[23:26:03] <@Khayin> (Same roll)
[23:26:11] <%Fu> (+1?)
[23:26:28] <@Khayin> (Yes)
[23:26:30] <%Fu> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[23:26:31] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[23:26:31] <The_Lady> 3, 4, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10
[23:26:31] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 5 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[23:26:37] <%Fu> (...)
[23:26:50] <@Khayin> (Looks like you get 8-again as well)
[23:26:52] <%Fu> (str + brawl, yes?)
[23:26:53] <@Khayin> (Roll the attack)
[23:26:54] <Mala> (...GIVE ME BACK MY SUCCESSES >_< )
[23:27:02] <@Khayin> (Yes, +1 equipment bonus)
[23:27:23] <%Fu> !roll_ww 6 8 8
[23:27:24] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[23:27:24] <The_Lady> 1, 1, 3, 4, 4, 5, 10
[23:27:24] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 8 or better
[23:27:31] <%Fu> (Oh fuck you, lady)
[23:28:06] <@Khayin> (I even forgot to subtract his Defense XD. Ah, well. I'll stick with that)
[23:28:19] <%Fu> (What's his defense, I might as well...)
[23:28:33] <%Fu> (I'm willing to take the risk of doing even worse. =_="
[23:28:55] <@Khayin> Fu's brass-clad knuckles hit the gremlin's face like a mallet on meat, eliciting a grunt from him as he backs up to gather his senses.
[23:29:00] <@Khayin> (3)
[23:29:17] <%Fu> (So, three dice to roll?)
[23:29:31] <@Khayin> (No, -3 to anyone trying to hit him)
[23:29:41] <%Fu> (Ah)
[23:30:01] <%Fu> (Well, that still is Fu's pool... 3 if defense is added)
[23:30:09] <%Fu> (Should I roll again?)
[23:30:21] <@Khayin> (No, keep it)
[23:30:26] <@Khayin> (I just forgot)
[23:30:28] <%Fu> (ah)
[23:30:42] <%Fu> (Oh, and...)
[23:31:00] <%Fu> )Fickle Fate on the gremlin. )
[23:31:28] <%Fu> (-2 dice for his next actively attempted action)
[23:33:02] <%Fu> (each is a 1 glamour cantrip, so... )
[23:34:17] <@Khayin> Sensing Mala's increased struggling under his grip, the beast laughs as he simple closes his grip on her body, crushing her in his clinching arms. (2 bashing damage)
[23:34:43] <@Khayin> (Fickle Fate is an Instant Action, so I think it has to be your next actual action)
[23:35:11] <%Fu> (Ah)
[23:35:20] <@Khayin> (Also, if you guys are gonna use Contracts, please give me the page number from here on out -- I don't remember most of the names T_T)
[23:35:30] <@Khayin> (Drake's turn)
[23:35:32] <%Fu> (Aye, aye.)
[23:36:38] * DrakeNero flings his sport coat off, tugs at his neck tie until it comes loose and yanks his dress shirt open with a roar, exposing his defined and scaly chest.
[23:38:24] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 8 8 10
[23:38:25] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[23:38:25] <The_Lady> 1, 1, 1, 4, 6, 7, 7, 9
[23:38:25] <The_Lady> rolled 8d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[23:39:32] <%Fu> (Superlizard!)
[23:40:46] <@Khayin> Not terribly appreciating being socked in the face, the gremlin draws another knife from his belt and lunges at Fu with a screech, missing him by inches as the Fairest manages to avoid the strike (I'll let you guys describe your defenses if you wish. Needless to say, he missed)
[23:42:19] <%Fu> Fu moves just a little to the left. A little more, a little more... there, out of the way. Perfect.
[23:42:45] <@Khayin> "Son of a bi-*" Myrtle sputters, attempting to stand and drawing out her own knife, swinging at the thing who stabbed her. She manages to surprise him, actually slashing him in the arm, causing him to shriek again.
[23:42:49] <@Khayin> (Back to Mala)
[23:43:02] <Mala> (Again and again. x_x)
[23:43:07] <Mala> !roll_ww 5 8 10
[23:43:09] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[23:43:09] <The_Lady> 1, 1, 2, 3, 5
[23:43:09] <The_Lady> rolled 5d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[23:43:11] <Mala> (....)
[23:43:16] <%Fu> (...)
[23:43:16] <@Khayin> (God damn)
[23:43:21] <Mala> !roll_ww 1 8 10
[23:43:23] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[23:43:23] <The_Lady> 5, 10, 10
[23:43:23] <The_Lady> rolled 1d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[23:43:28] <%Fu> (... O_O )
[23:43:31] <@Khayin> (>_O)
[23:43:34] <Mala> (BOOYAH)
[23:43:45] <@Khayin> (Which Overpower?)
[23:44:16] <Mala> (Oh wait, I have control now? :D )
[23:44:40] <@Khayin> (If you want to overpower. Or you can just break it and do a different action. If you overpower, you now grapple him)
[23:44:53] <@Khayin> (And can either crush, hold, whateveR)
[23:45:06] <Mala> (Overpower, then, and I'll take the 2 bashing to go with it. Mala am ticked! Rahr~!)
[23:45:06] <%Fu> ( "Huuuuuugs!" :D )
[23:45:22] <@Khayin> (Nice XD)
[23:46:37] <@Khayin> (You can describe it, and it's Fu's turn next)
[23:47:27] <@Khayin> (Doing Fickle Fate or something else?)
[23:47:37] <Mala> Mala's crush-him-against-the-wall gambit finally pays off! Now she's got him by the wrists and is fixin' to pop his shoulders out of their sockets!
[23:49:54] Fu left IRC. (Ping timeout)
[23:49:57] <@Khayin> The beast roars loudly, almost yelping when his joints pop rather loudly. He struggles to escape Mala's death grip but being pinned against the wall and having what amounts to a walking tree makes the process rather difficult and he can only flail and wail uselessly.
[23:51:18] <@Khayin> (... we seem to have lost one of our Lost)
[23:52:13] <@Khayin> (Drake can take a turn and if she's still gone, we'll call a hiatus as it is also late)
[23:52:24] <@Khayin> (Sorry I took this rather deep into the evening, folks :P)
[23:53:13] <Mala> (S'alright ^^)
[23:53:44] * DrakeNero growls, the scales on his arm standing on end as the muscles beneath them flex and he claw-swipes at hte spindly creature that DARE stab one of his fellow courtiers and now is attacking... that... guy I hang out with. sometimes.
[23:53:54] Fu joined the channel.
[23:54:34] <@Khayin> (Strength + Brawl -2)
[23:54:40] <Fu> ( = _ = )
[23:54:42] <Fu> Fu attempts to deck the germlin again, with a question as he speaks. "Feeling lucky? I wouldn't think so!"
[23:55:14] <@Khayin> (Strength + Brawl +1 equipment -2)
[23:55:19] <@Khayin> (Drake is -1 instead)
[23:55:36] <Fu> (if I can, I'd like to use fickle fate, or can I, with a punch?)
[23:55:51] <@Khayin> (It's Instant, so it'd be your actual action)
[23:55:51] <DrakeNero> * DrakeNero growls, the scales on his arm standing on end as the muscles beneath them flex and he claw-swipes at hte spindly creature that DARE stab one of his fellow courtiers and now is attacking... that... guy I hang out with. sometimes.
[23:56:52] <@Khayin> (Er... okay, one thing at a time, then)
[23:57:10] <@Khayin> (Fu -- Fickle Fate or punch?)
[23:57:11] <Fu> (Then he'll just punch)
[23:57:23] <Fu> (PUNCH. HE MUST BE PUNISHED.)
[23:57:36] <@Khayin> (Okay. As mentioned, Strength + Brawl +1 equipment -2 defense)
[23:57:56] <Fu> !roll_ww 4 8 10
[23:57:57] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[23:57:57] <The_Lady> 3, 3, 3, 4
[23:57:57] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[23:58:01] <@Khayin> (/Then/ Drake attacks with Strength + Brawl -1 defense)
[23:58:30] <@Khayin> (Man, The Lady is against the odds this evening!)
[00:01:32] <Fu> (That's it.)
[00:01:48] <Fu> ( *molests the Lady* =_= Let's see if that does anything)
[00:01:53] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 7 8 10
[00:01:54] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[00:01:54] <The_Lady> 2, 3, 5, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10
[00:01:54] <The_Lady> rolled 7d10. Got 5 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[00:02:04] <@Khayin> (OH, SNAP)
[00:05:09] <DrakeNero> Drake's golden talons smash through his sternum like an angered husband punching through drywall and out the other side in a glorious display of gore. his hand retracts back to his side, splattering the poor bastards blood all over the floor and on Drake's expensive leather shoes. He roars at the collapsing body then spins to face the other attacker. "WHO ELSE WANTS SOME?"
[00:05:35] <Mala> (bad. ass.)
[00:05:47] <Fu> "Fraggggggggged." Fu kneels down to check on Myrtle, ripping off a part of his shirt to help bandage her.
[00:06:31] <@Khayin> "Fuck..." Myrtle coughs, collapsing into Fu's grasp. "Could'a... had 'im..."
[00:06:44] <Fu> (And I used xp to get medicine, dammit!)
[00:06:49] <Fu> "Sssh... Let me help..."
[00:07:12] <@Khayin> (Mala's turn)
[00:07:24] <Fu> (sorry for going out of turn)
[00:07:35] <@Khayin> (S'fine)
[00:08:22] <Mala> (I'll just immobilize him. Drake can paste or not paste him as necessary, and that way he can't overpower.)
[00:09:56] * Fu removes his vest and shirt, the light showing everything on his body being /covered/ in gold-lined, brightly colored tattoos, and uses them as bandages as he tries to tend to Myrtle.
[00:10:06] <@Khayin> "GRAAAAAH!!!! BROTHERRRRRRR!!!" The hulk of a beast man thrashes and howls against Mala's incapacitating hold to no avail, even bashing his head against the walls in fury and sorrow.
[00:11:24] <Fu> (What should I roll for trying to take care of her?)
[00:11:29] <Mala> "You shouldn't have fought us..."
[00:12:39] <DrakeNero> "Perhaps you deserve a similar fate. That's not for me to decide." and he puts his fist into the beast-man's face until he stops moving.
[00:12:50] <DrakeNero> "He's worth questioning."
[00:13:24] <@Khayin> (Dexterity + Medicine -2 for having no real equipment)
[00:13:39] <Fu> (Annnnd, the fickle fate glamour will be used for Favored fate to tend to poor Myrtle.)
[00:13:55] <Fu> !roll_ww 5 8 10
[00:13:56] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[00:13:56] <The_Lady> 1, 5, 6, 9, 9
[00:13:56] <The_Lady> rolled 5d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[00:15:58] <@Khayin> The beast man roars as Drake pounds in to his face, guttering into a whimper and then silence as he passes into unconsciousness. Not long after, Fu manages to remove the knife from Myrtle's side and staunch the bleeding, though he can do little for her pain or the wound itself at the moment. The Summer changeling curses non-stop, though she grins a bit.
[00:16:43] * Fu tries his best to cheer her up, though he is blushing FURIOUSLY at the moment.
[00:16:46] * DrakeNero sighs heavily before staring in shock at his bloody hand
[00:17:15] <Fu> "Everyone else okay?"
[00:17:16] <Mala> Mala lets him down once he's unconscious. "He's strong. Do we know him?"
[00:17:26] <DrakeNero> "I don't."
[00:17:50] <Mala> (Didn't a big hairy lionguy try to eat Mala in the car? or was that another big hairy lionguy?)
[00:17:54] <Fu> (Should I do a roll to recognize him? )
[00:17:56] <@Khayin> Letting him slump down, everyone can see how very much larger this thing is than Mala, making it all the more impressive she was able to actually overpower him.
[00:18:08] <Fu> (And also, bonus for knowing outcasts?)
[00:18:23] <@Khayin> (Intelligence + Composure -3 for anyone except Fu, who only takes -1)
[00:18:32] <Mala> !roll_ww 2 8 10
[00:18:33] <The_Lady> Mala invokes the Lady...
[00:18:33] <The_Lady> 3, 5
[00:18:33] <The_Lady> rolled 2d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[00:18:36] <Fu> !roll_ww 5 8 10
[00:18:37] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[00:18:37] <The_Lady> 1, 3, 3, 6, 8
[00:18:37] <The_Lady> rolled 5d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[00:18:54] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 1 8 10 not a chance die
[00:18:55] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[00:18:55] <The_Lady> 4
[00:18:55] <The_Lady> rolled 1d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[00:19:28] <@Khayin> Fu squints in the darkness at the unconscious beast man. You've never met him before, but he does fit the description of one of the outcast Lost you were warned about.
[00:19:59] <Fu> (Details of what he knows?)
[00:21:19] <@Khayin> Reuben the Softy -- supposedly one of the few still around from the old freehold. Used to live up to his name, but... obviously things have changed.
[00:21:37] <Fu> "I have heard of this day."
[00:21:42] <Fu> (guy)
[00:21:54] <Fu> "Reuben the Softy."
[00:22:18] <Fu> "I heard from... Miss Peach, I think," He grimaces at her name, "That he was from the old freehold."
[00:22:37] <DrakeNero> "Reuben the ..." He shakes his head. "nevermind. That's interesting. Was this the old freehold?"
[00:22:54] <Mala> "He's not soft."
[00:22:55] <Fu> (Would any of us know?)
[00:23:06] <Fu> "People can change."
[00:23:18] * Fu says it with enough bitterness to choke someone.
[00:23:24] <@Khayin> Mysteries. Mysterious assailants, mysterious places, mysterious connections. There was much to ponder.
[00:23:32] <@Khayin> It is, however, late. ;)
[00:23:50] <@Khayin> You've beaten up the occupants (those you met, anyway) and have cleared the Hollow.
[00:23:54] <Fu> "We... should find the gateway."
[00:24:24] <Fu> "And then sleep."