HorizonVirtual:Main Page

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About Horizon: Virtual

Virtual is one of the five books that comprise the Horizon product line, a series of "mini-roleplaying games" by Fantasy Flight Games. The line is intended to work with the D20 System with the aim of providing a short campaign in an alternate setting. Virtual uses the D20 System as presented in the Version 3.5 Core Rulebooks to create a playable world inspired by the movie TRON and the animated TV series ReBoot, a world where sentient programs called 'wakers' roam an electronic world that exists inside our computer networks.

The Aim of the WikiProject

This WikiProject has two aims:

  1. To develop the ideas, rules and setting and contained in Fantasy Flight Games’ Horizon: Virtual RPG in order to assist ease of play and extended campaigning.
  2. To "re-skin" the D20 System Reference Document for direct use with Horizon: Virtual without infringing the D20 Open Game License or the Closed Content and Product Identity of Fantasy Flight Games.


About the Horizon: Virtual WikiProject

The World of Virtual

An encyclopaedia of ProgramSpace. This section is intended to provide a springboard of general and coherent ideas (guidelines and plot-hooks, for example) rather than a developed-down-to-the-bolts world, thus allowing players and GMs to mix and match to their taste.

The Virtual Skin for D20

Mods and Patches