Blanc Noir : Geeda

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Name: Geedarla Razortooth
Gender: Female
Special Weapon: A Large Wrench, Pipe, Baseball Bat....

Personality: Geeda is a bit rough around the edges one might say. She is much more comfortable around devices than people and can be somewhat savage in sarcasm with someone she considers dull witted or boring. Most of the time she is cheerful, especially when she is allowed to cause mayhem with large machines.

Background: Geeda is a goblin girl, but exceptionally bright for her people. Quickly growing bored with life in a cave, Geeda has been exploring the human world for years. She hides her nature by avoiding sunny days, wearing caps to cover her oversized ears and making the most of hanging around humans who wear costumes, such as SCA events, Sci-Fi Conventions and Goth clubs. Her green hair doesn’t make nearly as much fuss around these folks and most of them wouldn’t blink if she told them what she really was.

Geedarla looks like a somewhat exotic but very short, girl, never would be called beautiful but a fey sort of cute if you go for large ears, fangs and cat’s eyes. She dresses in punk fashions, mostly oversized or wears coveralls. In any situation she can be counted on to have numerous pockets, belts and gadgets. She loves gadgets.

[Streetwise Smart] 5 – Geeda has lived on the fringes of human society for quite some time. She knows a lot about who is important and who’s turf she is on, what’s on sale at the black market and where the chop shops are set up. She travels the sewers and storm drains, the hidden places below and the high road of rooftops and wire walking. If you want to buy something, Geeda knows who is selling it, or knows someone who knows where it can be bought.

[Gadget Girl] 4 – Goblins are the fey world’s mechanics. Even the stupid ones can fix a V8 engine without being fully awake; it’s just a knack they have. Geeda is exceptionally smart for a goblin and can do things with machines that most would consider magic. If she can get at it with a spanner she can fix anything. And with the most bizarre and seemingly useless of parts she can cobble together all sorts of devices. Most of them explode, sometimes when they are supposed to, and many of them break down after only a few moments, but during those moments she can do spectacular things.

[Goblin Girl] 3 – Goblins are tougher than they look and have an amazing tenacity when it comes to a scrap. They eat things that would make a goat sick and drink flammable liquids to get drunk. They also have their own magics, simple and not spectacular; she can cause beer to sour, knots to untie, or loose ends to knot, afflict those who annoy her with hiccups or noxious flatulence. Her magics are of the sort that generally make someone miserable or cause any machine to malfunction.

[Goblin Greed] 1 – As a Goblin, she has almost no willpower when it comes to self-indulgence. Offering Geedarla candy can have an amazing success and she once traded a car for a triple scoop of chocolate ice cream. But it wasn’t her car, just one she had stolen, so it wasn’t that bad of a trade. Goblins are greedy, but that works both ways. They can be distracted by free sweets but when it comes to an actual bargain one should be careful because it is rare that they come out worse on a deal.

Additional Information[edit]

Created by : Roughtrade
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