Marvel Realtime:Pre 1900

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The Hyborian Age[edit]


Conan the Cimmerian rises from humble beginnings to become the king of Aquilonia.
At the end of the age, a tribesman born in northern Vanaheim has a part of the Bloodgem embedded in his chest. He will, eventually, be known as the immortal monster hunter Ulysses Bloodstone.

19th Century[edit]


Logan, Victor Creed


Matthew Hawk (nee Liebowicz) becomes the Two-Gun Kid.
Carter Slade, an Ohio schoolteacher, moves west and becomes the Ghost Rider (aka the Night Rider).
Blaine "Kid" Colt is wrongly accused of murder and goes on the run.


Orphan Johnny Bart becomes the Rawhide Kid.



Frankenstein's monster discovered in Arctic, revived.
Frankenstein's monster battles Dracula, later refrozen in icy river.

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