Necessary Evil The Rejects/Specter

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Dr. Specter

"If I simply wanted you dead, you'd be dead. But I want you to suffer first."


Dr. James Spenser was born in a suburb of Chicago, Illinois. He earned a doctorate in nuclear physics from MIT. That was also where he had met his wife Joan. They had set up a laboratory in Star City to work on a project to create a new energy source. It was during one of their first live experiments that something went terribly wrong. A few blocks away, the supervillain known as Strongarm had botched a bank robbery. He engaged the Living Laser in battle; a battle which eventually crashed through the walls of the Spenser's lab.

Images Concept art for Dr. Specter from the upcoming Living Laser cartoon on CWKids


  • Real Name: Dr. James Spenser.
  • Race: Human
  • Aliases: None
  • Identity: Known to legal authorities
  • Occupation: Physicist
  • Citizenship: U.S.A.
  • Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois.
  • Known Relatives: Joan (wife, deceased)
  • Group Affiliation: Omega: The Rejects
  • Education: Doctorate degree in nuclear physics.
  • Height: 5'11"
  • Weight: 175 lbs. (When corporeal)
  • Eyes: Black.
  • Hair: None.
  • Powers: The majority of Dr. Specter's powers are psychic in nature. He's best known for his ability to possess other people. On several occasions Dr. Specter has used this ability to take control of known heroes and use their powers and abilities to attack his enemies. It is worth while to mention that Dr. Specter's control of a person's mind does not grant him instant access to his host's memories. Dr. Specter does possess the ability to read people's minds, but he has to make an effort to do so and it seems to take a lot out of him when he does so.

Dr. Specter's other well known ability is his ability to become intangible. On several occasions, Dr. Specter has manged to escape from the authorities and members of the heroic community simply by passing through the restraints and cell walls that they believed would hold him. This ability has also made it difficult to actually fight Dr. Specter. A few heroes, including Dr. Specter's arch enemy Living Laser, have been able to physcially harm him while in his intangible state. Dr Specter himself has theorized that his dark energy form is still susceptible to attacks based within certain parts of the energy spectrum.

Dr. Specter also demonstrated the ability to communicate telepathically with others, and a limited ability to fly under his own power. Recently, Dr. Specter seems to have developed the ability to broadcast physcal sensations to groups of people at the same time. Those that he's used this ability upon have described feelings of excrutiating pain, almost as if their bodies were being pulled apart cell by cell.

  • Abilities: Dr. Spenser was a fairly well known scientist that was working on creating a new renewable energy source before the accident that gave him his powers.
  • Weapons: None.
  • Paraphernalia: A computer which contains many of the notes regarding the experiment Dr. Spenser was running when he gained his powers.
  • First Appearance: Living Laser #6 (as James Spenser), Living Laser #13 (as Dr. Specter)


  • Strength: d4
  • Agility: d6
  • Vigor: d6
  • Smarts: d10
  • Spirit: d10


  • (Agility) Fighting d8 (4)
  • (Smarts) Knowledge: Computers d8 + 3(3)
  • (Smarts) Knowledge: Science d8 + 3(3)
  • (Smarts) Repair d6 2 (2)
  • (Agility) Shooting d4 (1)
  • (Agility) Stealth d6 (2)


  • Alien Form: Humanoid shape of completely black energy. (Major)
  • Overconfident (Major) (5pp)
  • Heartless (Minor)
  • Weakness: Light (Minor)


  • Arcane Background: Super Powers (10PP)
  • Power Points (5pp)
  • Scholar (Computers and Science)


  • Telepathy (2)
  • Mind Control (3)
  • Intangibility with Phaser Modifier (Still affected by Magic, Psionic, Light abilities)(7)
  • Mind Reading (3)
  • Stun with Smarts Modifier (3)
  • Flight 1 (2)
  • Charisma: -4
  • Pace: 6
  • Parry: 6
  • Toughness: 5


  • XP: 11 as of 01/07/08
  • 1) Spirit from d8 -> d10
  • 2) Scholar Edge Applied to Knowledge: Computers and Knowledge: Science

Current Status:

  • 0 Wounds
  • 3 bennies