Campaign Setups
This is a page for short campaign writeups, thumbnails, and campaigns in a box.
When listing your campaign please be sure to list what game system it is for.
Save the Last Slayer
Page: Save_the_Last_Slayer
System: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
A campaign setup for a Buffy game done Hip-Hop inner city style.
Vice and Steel
Page: Vice_and_Steel
System: Dust Devils
A supplement for Dust Devils, converting the setting to the French Decadence/Swashbuckling era.
Xanderan: The Wizard Slayer
Page: Xanderan_the_Wizard_Slayer
System: Talislanta
A Talislanta campaign setup with elements of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer to make it into a "TV Series" format.