S01Ep04 - Opposites Attract

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So1ep04 - Opposites Attract


- This episode opened with the release of one of Ping's old "boyfriends" (ie. stalkers), and dealt with all of the chaos he managed to stir up before he was incarcerated again.

- Episode 4 also saw the introduction of Glorious Bamboo Dawn, who entered the fray with a verbal showdown between her and Rumble Rose, the leader of the scandalous Four Queens Gang. Principal Thorn cut the face off right before it came to blows.

- Bamboo was not slow to set up a cafeteria date with Iron Seraph. This was not a popular move at the Black Crane Campus. Seraph got waylaid by a band of overzealous fanboys (led by one Persistent Dragonfly Bui) who worship the blond buxom newcomer, and Bamboo herself got caught in a trap set by Eclipse.

- Meanwhile, Dead Badger, Ping's stalker, tightened the noose in trying to track down Thrice-Radiant Ping.

- Red Star Dervish, having seen Iron Seraph being charged by the teen hormone brigade, received a text from Slum Jackal, warning her about a "fedora-clad hood robbing a 7-11, asking about Ping". In the gentlemanly company of Four Kicks Down, Dervish promptly decided to sit this one out.

- A mysterious pair of Heaven Hunters, Salty Hunter Hsu and Radio Silent turn up, who are Dead Badger with OMINUS HEAVEN SCIENCE TECH. The plot thickens.

- Ping decides that studying german with Kid Diablo Loco is boring, and takes off on her own. This worries Principal Thorn, who knows that Dead Badger is looking for her, so she sends Iron Seraph to find her (Ping).

- Having kidnapped Black Crane D-rankers Tangerine and Turquoise, Dead Badger and Iron Seraph find Thrice-Radiant Ping at the same time in a back alley deep in the gut of Zhen Zhou City.

- Six Cherry Blossoms, a strange shapeshifter of sorts with an extreme infatuation for Iron Seraph, enters the ranks of the Black Crane School.

- Dead Badger appeals to Ping's Baneful side, while Seraph does his best at trying to defuse the situation. The final insult comes when Ping decides to go with DB. This is when Seraph charges the ex-juvie, who is more than pleased at pushing the young Jin Shen to a fight.

- The Heaven Hunters crash the stand-off with their motorcycle. Salty Hunter Hsu and Radio Silent claim the jurisdiction of the two Baneful warriors. Seraph decides to protect Ping, despite having had it explained to him that two Baneful warriors of their power hanging out together could potentially rip a whole in the fabric of reality.

- Ping is mightily impressed by the consequences of her fraternizing with Dead Badger. Much more so than DB's own advances.

- Back on the Black Crane Campus, Bamboo "helps" the naive Vanilla Protagonist Ryu and Six Cherry Blossoms to hook up in exchange for homework-notes and other privileges.

- An enormous battle royale in the back alley follows, with Dead Badger and Seraph teaming up against Salty Hunter Hsu, and Radio Silent attempting to take out Ping with stealth and trickery.

- Salty Hunter Hsu took down Dead Badger, while Seraph in turn defeats Hsu honorably. Problems ensure when Dead Badger powers up and throws a piece of building at Radio Silent. Ping surprisingly stands in the way of the building and takes the hit for Radio.

- Dead Badger reveals his ace in the hole, that he is still the only one who knows where Turquoise is hidden. This angers Seraph and Ping extraordinarily.

- Suddenly, DB has an uncharacteristic change of heart. He agrees to give up. For a kiss from Ping. And in a similarly uncharacteristic act of generosity, Ping accepts. Them there Banefuls huh? Who the hell knows how they work!

- After pleasant good bye's, the Heaven Hunters take Dead Bager away, and Seraph, Tangerine and Ping go to release Turquoise. Mission accomplished!

- Oh, and Red Star Dervish and Four Kicks Down became an item, too.

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