Name: Invictus "Mort" Stark
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Class: Assassin (Sell Steel)
Height: 1.90m
Weight: 90kg
Colouration: Green eyes; black dyed hair; tanned skin
Quirks: Missing digit (right-hand trigger finger)
Divination: "Only in death does duty end"
Homeworld: Imperial World (Paradise World; can't believe I rolled 00)
WS 31
BS 36 +5 41 (rerolled this)
S 27
T 38
Ag 26
Int 31
Per 32
Wil 31 +3 34
Fel 25
Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic);
Pilot (Civilian Craft)
Silent Move
Talents: Blessed Ignorance;
Liturgical Familiarity;
Superior Origins;
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive);
Pistol Training (Las, SP);
Basic Weapon Training (SP).
Current money: 23 throne gelt
Monthly Income: 120/month
Gear: Hunting Rifle. Telescopic Sight attached.
Rifle ammo: 7 clips of standard, two clips of dumdums(1 loaded), two clips if man-stoppers. Each clip is five rounds.
Compact Stub Automatic with 3 clips of normal ammo and a clip of Man-Stopper rounds (loaded). Each clip is 9 rounds.
3 doses of stimm,
Charm (corpse hair),
Flak Vest (being worn)
black bodyglove (common clothing)
Inquisitional Coin
Emperor's Repreve
Movement: 3/6/9/18
Wounds: 9 +1 10
Fate: 2
400 XP:
Basic BS advancement (100xp)
Pilot (Civilian Craft) (100xp)
Silent Move (100xp)
(Saving the rest for Literacy)