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Senyca, Sapling of the Dragon-Tree

She was orphaned as a toddler when horrors from Outside made a brazen attack on the Verden forest; almost all of her tribe was wiped out before the Dragon-Tree, Verdegrim*, was able to drive them out. The Dragon-Tree took her in himself, seeing the spark of magic in the terrified child. The ancient Constructed taught her the Saelynn magic suffused into his very being, and she proved an able student. While she was isolated from her own people after the few other survivors left to join tribes in other forests, she didn't completely lack for socialization; a dragon would brook no less than the utmost class and dignity in his ward, after all. She also served as the go-between for the dragon and the human communities at the edge of the forest, making sure that they kept to the ancient pacts to maintain the forest as they made use of it. In this capacity, she discovered just how much fun it was to show off her talents.

Senyca grew attached to those communities, even though she was always an outside force to them. When the woolmaking town of Firis suffered a mysterious plague that wiped out most of the shepherd's flocks, she asked Verdegrim to grant them a boon from the wonders of the forest; the dragon assented, but set it as a task before her. If she truly desired to provide for the townsfolk, she would have to do it herself. He bade her to provide them the wood of one of the ancient grey oaks of a grove in the deep forest, whose wood was so rare and precious it would command a king's ransom in trade, more than enough to replenish the town's flocks and feed them through the winter. But she had to fell it alone, and to ensure that its strength did not drain from the world, she would have to take that into herself. Thus did she toil a week to topple the Silver Oak, and at the end she had completed her first ritual of Chrysalis.

Verdegrim was pleased with her accomplishment, but also stern, as she had chosen the world over the forest. Her place was no longer here, but out there, among the world. While she was devastated at being kicked out, the Dragon-Tree stood firm; she was a creature of the world and belonged out in it. Secretly, the Dragon-Tree was not angry at her, and did not want her to leave, but he knew she had a destiny to find out in the greater world, which she would not find unless forced to look for it.

Stress: [] [] []

Sanity: [] [] []

Corruption: [] [] []

Refresh: 3


High Concept: Rootless Tal'ra Sylvan

Trouble: The Pulse of Nature

Aspect: Orphan Raised by the Ancient Dragon-Tree

Aspect: Blossoming Diva

Aspect: Sympathy for All Beings


Good (+3): Forceful

Fair (+2): Careful, Flashy

Average (+1): Quick, Sneaky

Mediocre (+0): Clever


Evergreen Mistress: Because she holds dominion over plants, she gets +2 to Flashily Create an Advantage by growing or shaping plant life.

Lope of the Shadow Wolf: Because Senyca has melded the soul of a Shadow Wolf with her own, she gets +2 to Sneakily Overcome an Obstacle by remaining unseen.

Skin of the Silver Oak: Due to Senyca having performed the Chrysalis ritual with a mighty Silver Oak, she gets +2 to Forcefully Defend against sources of physical harm.

Wyrmwood Bow: Because her bow adds the strength of the Dragon-Tree to her own draw, she gets +2 to Forcefully Attack with it.