Chronicles of Neolithic Darkness:Last Whisper

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Last Whisper

Formerly Banu's Familiar, Last Whisper is a spirit of Death and Fate now bound to Banu, Shadi and Gol as their totem. Last Whisper appears as a large pale-eyed bird whose feathers fall to the floor as he flies, vanishing in tiny puffs of black smoke as they touch the earth. It appears as a crow or vulture, depending on which of it’s influences (or numina) it has most recently indulged in. If it has indulged in neither influence for more than a week, it appears instead as a hawk as it searches for resonant essence.

Banu and Last Whisper


Rank 2

Corpus: 5

Willpower: 6

Size: 2

Defense: 3

Speed: 16

Initiative: 6

Aspiration: To hear a dying man's words.

Ban: Must never interrupt, contradict or interfere with an omen

Bane: A strike from anyone who has met their Fate and survived


Power: 3

Finesse: 3

Resistance: 3



Striking Looks: Unsettling


Omens 1 (Crow)

Death 1 (Vulture)


Omen Trance (Crow)

Ghost Eater (Vulture)

Seek (Hawk)