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  • Have to charter a boat
  • Have to get to the Islands
  • Have to put on TL4 Breather Suits to go under the water
  • Have to go see the King and Queen
  • Discover that the True Suitor has been killed trying to rescue his bride
  • Raid the Enemy Lair
  • Discover she's been sold to the Colorran Crime Syndicate Ship "The Sea's Boon"
  • Rescue her before the Ship Gets to the mainland
  • Begins when Grandma tells them about an emergency with her friends the Mer people. Since they want to remain a secret. Ends with the MerPrincess being found captured by Human Pirates. The Merking and Queen found a suitable match for their daughter, however a Rival MerLord became Jealous and captured her and sold her to Pirates of the CCS (Colorran Crime Syndicate). The pirates are high tailing it to Walric. They plan to reveal the existence of the Merfolk which they have to avoid at all costs. There is a Race to the finish on Dolphins to catch up with the Boat.


Ship Captains:

Captain Elderich - Captian of the TidesKeep

Captain West - Captain of the WhalesBane

Captain Shreeve - Colorran Crime Syndicate Captain of the Sea's Boon. 3d8 +4 Atk 1d8 Damage


King Caspian

Queen Caspiana

Princess Sho

Lord Jag

Lady Jaga


Ship Croney HP: 2d6 ATK: +2 1d6 Pirate Sword - AC: 7 Pirated Leathers

Ship Lieutenant HP: 2d8 ATK: +3 1d8 Longsword

Lord Jag's Merpeople hp:3d6 ATK:+3 1d6 Harpoon AC: 6 Scale Armor

Lord Jag HP:3d8 +5 Harpoon AC: 4 Seashell Armor

Lady Jaga HP: 4d6 ATK: +4/+4 Claws 1d4 Damage each. AC: 5 Seashell Armor