Fathers Know Best

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This is Maggie Young's birthday party. A distinct lack of kids leads to Maggie feeling very alone and isolated, and the adults around her have a pretty tough time relating to her; none of us are good with kids. Seems like we're in for a slightly awkward, but generally okay, afternoon.
     And then Daniel Young comes home. He behaves like an ass from the get-go, calls us all "freaks" behind our backs and, while we're outside avoiding an awkward reunion, Brian sees something that prompts him to charge back in. Arthur beats Brian to the punch (hur hur) and drags Daniel to an isolated car park. Brian and Julie follow (Julie doing so over Brian's objection), carried by Julie's power. Much threatening and posturing follow, and in the end Julie tells Arthur to go away and never return to her house.
     Following threats against Daniel Young from Harold and Jack, Mandy takes the kids out, to allow them to avoid the marital strife for a while, while Brian meets with Joelle over lunch to offer her a job as Executive Director of the Hopewell Foundation. Brian fervently denies being jealous over Joelle's new boyfriend, but perhaps he protests too much. Eventually, after the lunch, Joelle agrees to take the job, but not until the start of the new year.
     Later, and still with a chip on his shoulder, Arthur looks for the Reaper. He ends up having a midnight altercation with Vernon Marks, who was doing the same. After that, Arthur departs to tour the world and Marks goes to visit Jack, to talk about a job. Marks insists that he'd like to work for Jack but that he won't break the law in doing so.

Jack Bennet's RECAP

Brian Jaffe's RECAP

Arthur Redford's RECAP

Mandy Smith's RECAP

FIRST Appearances

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NOTEABLE Appearances

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