Hanabi "Hannah" Okamura, AKA Skyrocket.

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Hanabi “Hanna” Okamura, a first generation Japanese-American, born in northern California to parents who immigrated from Japan in the 20s due to the rising militarization of their country. They owned a small business, a radio and appliance repair place and when Hannah wasn't tinkering herself, she was reading whatever she could get her hands on, from manuals to magazines, and the whole encyclopedia.

Her insatiable curiosity lead her into one adventure after another throughout high school, having quite the career as a girl detective... tangling with gangsters, anarchists, cat burglers, con artists and the more. “The Clock in the Clue,” “The Phantom Autogyro,” and many more. She was even the subject of a series of novels... “Mary Baker, Girl Detective.” Mary was blonde, blue-eyed and white, of course.

She uncovered a disturbing trend of Japanese agents trying to recruit people from her hometown “for the good of the nation.” America was her nation though, and she wouldn't have any of this! Hannah missed her 18th birthday party on December 7, 1941, as she found the lair of the nest of spies! Lead by a guy in a strange costume, they were planning to use a strange device to burn out all the radar and radio installations within a hundred miles, a precursor to a sneak attack on San Francisco from a submersible aircraft carrier. Sneaking up to it, switched a few plugs around and made a hasty exit. The whole base, an abandoned observatory, blew up when they turned it on full power.

A part of the dish, a fragment of central antenna, hit the ground near her and she took it home to study it before turning it over to the government. She was able to get it working again... it was some sort of microwave device, with quite a kick when not attached to a superstructure. It went up like a skyrocket the first time she tested it.

The next day, all hell had broken loose, the US at war and everyone who looked Japanese was under intense suspicion, and worse. Thinking of the attention-getting mystery men back east, she threw a patriotic costume together out of mementos from past cases and flew out to show that not all Japanese people were the enemy, and to do as much good as she could. She was named “Skyrocket” by the press for the way she flew through the air. Efforts to do so more formally have come to naught so far... under her real name, she's considered too much of a security risk to join the military or the FBI.

Hannah is a 5'5” Japanese woman in her late teens. She cut her hair to a bob to keep out out of her face while she flies and has a fit, somewhat slender figure. Her costume is a white showgirl outfit that reveals all her arms and legs, with a blue belt with a star buckle and a red star on a blue field logo on her chest. She wears racing goggles over her eyes to help protect her identity. Her Starburst Staff (so named for the way it sends up sparks from metal objects it hits, and the trail it leaves when flying) has a six inch long, four inch thick head and is mostly straight, with an angled section behind the head. It's about 4 feet long and covered in panels and wiring, though she has managed to paint some sections with red, white and blue stripes.

Powers and Abilities

Hannah has a photographic memory and shows expertise on just about any subject. She's a self-trained detective and has considerable experience talking her way into trouble and out of it. She's good with her fists as well. The Starburst Staff can fire a powerful microwave beam that superheats the air and causes a concussion where it hits, in both a narrow and a weaker wide-angle attack. It can also fly fast enough to catch a light plane. She rides atop it like a balance beam or surfboard. (“The Case of the Hanging Ten.”)


PL 8 120 points

Attributes 54 PP

Strength 0

Agility 8

Fighting 0

Awareness 8

Stamina 3

Dexterity 0

Intellect 8

Presence 0

Defenses 12 PP

2 Dodge 10

10 Parry 10

- Fort 3

- Tough. 3 (defensive roll 6)

- Will 8


Initiative +8

Unarmed +12 to hit/4 damage

Starburst Blast +6 to hit/10 damage

Skills: 24 PP 48 points

Acrobatics +0/8

Close Attack Unarmed +12/12

Deception +10/10

Expertise: Crime +2/10

Expertise: Espionage +2/10

Expertise: Everything else +0/8

Insight +3/11

Investigation +7/15

Perception +4/12

Ranged Attack Starburst Blaster +6/6

Stealth +2/10

Technology 0/8

Treatment 0/8

Advantages 11 PP


Defensive Roll 3

Eidetic Memory

Favored Foe (enemy spies)

Jack of All Trades

Languages 1 Japanese


Ultimate Effort (Investigation)


Powers 19 PP

  • “I can take care of myself!” - Damage 4 Str-based [4pp]
  • “Time to investigate the other direction!” Speed 1 [1pp]
  • Starburst Staff (Array, Easily Removable): Blasting 21 [14pp]
    • -Narrow Blast Ranged Damage 10
    • -Wide Blast Ranged Area Burst Damage 6
  • Flying - Flight 6 Platform [6pp]
  • Enhanced Advantage 1 Move-By Attack [1pp]


  • Motivation Patriotism. She's proud to be an American and wants to fight to keep her home safe.
  • Power Loss. The Starburst Staff is advanced technology that's been salvaged and repurposed. Sometimes it runs short on power or encounters something that makes it conk out.
  • Prejudice. She fights against it for both her gender and her appearance, but its an uphill battle.
  • Phobia: Spiders. They just have too many legs! And a bunch fell on her and got in her hair in the dark on an early case.