IOU Thomas Sky: Thomas Sky

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STR 11 10pts

DX 13 60pts

INT 11 20pts

HT 11 10pts

Will 12 5pts

Per 12 5ps


English (Native) 0pts

Egyptian (Accented) 4pts

Mandarin (Native) 6pts

Wealth: Struggling

Independent Income: 10% 0 pts


Danger Sense


Acrobatics DX+0 4pts
Archaeology INT+0 4pts
Area Knowledge (IOU) INT+0 1pts
Climbing DX+0 2pts
Computer Operation Int+0 1pts
Detect Lies Per+0 4pts
Erotic Arts DX+0 2pts
Fast-Talk INT+0 2pts
First-Aid INT+1 2pts
Guns (Pistols) DX+0 1pts
Judo DX+0 4 pts
Jumping DX+0 1pts
Karate DX+1 8pts
Running HT+0 2pts
Savoir-Faire (Dojo) INT+0 1pts
Sex Appeal HT+0 2pts
Stealth DX+0 2pts
Survival (Mountains) Per+0 2pts
Survival (IOU) Per+0 2pts
Swimming HT+1 2pts


Charitable -15pts
Curious -5pts
Dislike (Spiders) -1pts
Duty (Student to Teacher) -5pts
Klutz -5pts
Living in Dorms -5pts
Overconfidence -5pts
Sense of Duty (Friends) -5pts


As for his background, Thomas Sky is the son of two Ilumini, Dr. D. Vore and Dr. B Sky. D. Vore was originally a Physics student in W.U.S.E and B. Sky in Physical Education studies. The two warred constantly throughout freshman year, culminating in a change of majors to archaeology two years later, and then marrying after graduation. They then became globe-trotting adventurers, uncovering ruins, discovering artifacts and amassing felonies. When Thomas was born, he was given to Chinese monks to be 'babysat' until they returned. They came back for him when he was 15. Upon their arrival, they whisked him away from a tranquil life as a would-be monk and brought him along on their adventures, essentially turning him into their accomplice. Luckily for him, he was somewhat smart and good in a fight, so managed to survive their adventures and got a somewhat ad hoc education out of it. When he reached 18, his parents gave him a cut of their spoils and sent him off to IOU to further his education.

Somehow, in all of this, Thomas has turned out to be a decently well-adjusted individual. He's prone to helping those in need, and cocky, but otherwise a pleasant person to deal with.

Just... keep anything fragile, valuable and/or completely dangerous two feet away from him. Preferably three feet for safety. Four feet is best.