Ketheres Elyion

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Ketheres Elyion : the City in the Sky

Formerly an island off the coast of the Blessed Isle, Ketheres Elyion is is a highly irregular triangle of land roughly a mile and a half long and less than a mile wide at it's widest. The upper surface is fairly flat at the narrower end but at one side of the wider end (usually the rear end when the city moves) the mountain of Mons Invictus rears up for hundreds of feet. The mountain and the underside of the city are a white stone and have largely been hollowed out to contain the essence accumulators, the levitation artifacts and vast storehouses and other mechanisms that once made Ketheres Elyion almost entirely self-sufficient. The usual operating height of the city is such that the top of Mons Invictus is exactly one mile above the surface and the lowest point of the underside is half a mile above the ground.

The golden city of Ketheres Elyion proper is at the floot of this mountain and covers about a quarter of the surface although there are many other structures, such as the famous temple located at the exact apex of Mons Invictus, which is linked to the city by a narrow stair, each step of which is engraved with prayers to the eternal glory of the Unconquered Sun. Hangers for skycraft are dug into the mountain but martial matters were usually out of sight and mostly evacuated during the last hours of the city as its citizens fled the madness of the Solar Exalted. The High Hall of Ketheres Elyion, was a rare exception and was once lined with rank after rank of warstriders and armoured troops - a grand legion under the command of a Solar General. Now the hall is open to the sky and nothing but a grave for the brave soldiers and a boneyard for their weapons and armour. Much of the city is in a like state, but several palaces and more humble buildings were relatively unscathed and restored somewhat by the Fair Folk during their occupation. Gardens that were once well tended are now dominated by the fantasies of the Wyld and may be as dangerous as any jungle...

Manses of the City

The Wheel of Winds

An Air-aspected manse located on the narrow tip of the "triangle" formed by the city, the Wheel of Winds was named such for the gigantic blue jade windmill mounted on the side facing away from the city. The enormous blades of the windmill appear to collect and channel Air Essence in order to assist with the city's bouyency and, as Horus al'Osir was the first in more than a thousand years to discover, the levitational effects of virtually anything nearby.

The Great Temple of the Unconquered Sun

Feel free to elaborate on this or rename it. I feel the name is a bit lame.

Located at the top of Mons Invictus, the Great Temple is a Solar-aspected manse.