Kurtzberg Student NPCs

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Aaron "Boomer" Miles

The illegitimate son of Concore, Boomer has the power to move parts of his body at supersonic speeds. He's been in legal trouble a few times.

Bunny Somerset

The daughter of Bear Flag. No one's quite sure how that happened. She doesn't have powers. "Bunny" is indeed her real first name.

D.C. Jefferson

The daughter of Captain Freedom and Skyglow, D.C. has had quite a career of embarrassing her parents with minor scandals and juvie charges. She can fly, is bulletproof, and can produce powerful explosions, but only at a very close range.

Dakota "Grappler" Phillips

Fashionable and witty, Dakota is a bit of a media darling. She's superstrong, bulletproof, and claims to have an unbreakable grip.

Dale "Silverhands" Wilkinson

Something of an indie pop idol, Dale can transform his limbs into various shapes, and is an amateur guitar player of some skill. Bootlegs of his performances (which are always private-- he doesn't have a recording contract, and hasn't released anything) are quite sought after in certain crowds.

Drew "Volt" Marcum

Son of Thundersword, Drew can-- briefly-- transform into a lighting bolt. Affects a hip-hop persona.

Jay Sanders

A blonde surfer type, Jay transforms into a griffon with light-based powers.

Lucas "Big Dog" Williams

Lucas is a large, muscular young black man with superstrength that he cannot fully control as yet. He also eats metal.

Narielle Sungolden-Pike

Narielle is an elf-- daughter of exiled elf-queen Malerella Sungolden, adopted daughter of billionaire adventurer Brian Pike. She dresses in the latest fashions and many jewels, carries a sword at all times, and is always accompanied by her very large cat companion.

Rafe Lindberg

Raphael is a very handsome young man with very large, white wings, giving him an angelic look. Many teenagers have posters of him in their bedrooms-- he's working as a model on the side.

Robin "Firebrand" Fitzgerald

Robin is an outspoken redhead who can transform into a fiery phoenix at will. He's fairly well-known because he's outspoken about his sexuality (He's gay), and has produced several YouTube videos on the subject.

Soon-yi "Sunny" "Koyangi" Kim

A beautiful Korean girl, Sunny is apparently a member of a variant humanoid race from asia-- she's a cat-girl, and clearly enjoys media attention very much.

Tara Cain

Daughter of Billionare Industrialist Superhero Arthur Cain, she has been home-schooled, but it's fairly well-known that she'll be attending Kurtzberg this year.

Xavier "Carapace" Morales

A young hispanic man who grows an organic, insectile exoskeleton, he attracted a certain amount of attention following his battles with a number of dangerous, genetically-engineered creatures in Texas.

Megan Saunders

Brian Purcell

Cindy Purcell

Clare Wechsler

Sara Montez