Mutant Heirs of Doom Project/Gotland

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Lying in the heart of the Eastern Sea the island country of Gotland is one of the most active powers in Scandi. Its capital Visby is a trade metropol with old history, selling all matter of items from all over the known world. As the saying goes; "If you can't find it in Visby, it isn't worth buying."


Gotland is a contract regulated rebulic, with a Presidör on a 20 year term, elected by the Senate consisting of individuals from the wealthier classes.

The goverment has few actual responsibilites, as most of the necessary work is contracted out to companies. It does, however, maintain both an Army and a Navy as well as an intelligence organ. Given that Gotland is an island nation the Army's actual defensive work is little, however, and it is mostly used in landings guarding especially important Gute interests.

The Navy is much more powerful and influential, it patrols most lanes of trade plyed by Gute ships as well as the coast of the island itself. It has access not only to the most advanced steam cutters, but also a large number of armoured gunboats lying low in the water, armed with a multitude of guns and nigh-impenetrable armor.

The Merchant Families

The real power in Gotland lies with the money, and the ones who have the most money are the large Merchant Families. These are dominated by the five large ones, often known as the "Five Brothers", but also consist of some 20 smaller ones, known as the "Little Brothers". Each of the larger five families have power and wealth that would rival many city states, having their own standing armies protecting their interests on the home island as well as on distant shores.

As often is around the Eastern Sea, these ruling families are primarily human, but the Voit-Monk orangutang mutants are an obvious exception to this, being treated with the same respect as the human families. This does not mean that the system is without racism, as the Voit-Monks themselves to be closer to the humans than other mutants and therefore above them.


"The World is Ours."


"Eat or be Eaten."

The youngest of the Five Brothers, having only attained the status a couple of decades back, the Oudlers are without doubt the most agressive and expansionist of the families. It is in fact so agressive that it systematically hires pirate bands and sea marauders to attack and loot the convoys of other families, then selling the booty on the Visby market. Other families complain loudly in the Senate and elsewhere, but thus far the impressive firepower of the Oudlers hired forces has kept them at bay.


"Logic and Method conquers Worlds."


"Without Steam the World Stops."


"Knowledge is Profit."