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Welcome contributor, this section is a general guideline on how to contribute to the Ogre rpg.

While this is collaborative works, every project need a specific direction to keep it's coherence. Since I (Eric Desbiens) start this project, I will act as a director for now.

Minor Edit

Those edits are change that do not change the rules or the system. Since they are minor changes, you can make them without discussing it with anybody.


The text might have many mistakes : spelling, grammatical or simple typographical error that needed to be corrected.

My native tongue is French, not English, some sentences might be poorly worded or contains [friends].

Some description might not be clear. You can reword the sentence to better explain a mechanics as long as you do not change the way the rule works.

Improved Formatting

You can improved the readability of a page by making better formatting : spacings, indentation, etc.

Major Edit

Those edits change the way the systems works and should be discussed before being made. Please, used the discussion page to talk about any major change you want to make.

Changing value, balancing the game

Making a system that is balanced is an Art that is difficult to master. During play test, if you find that a game element is too powerful or too weak, discuss your point to see if other players have encountered the same imbalance in the game. If most people agree with you, change the main page with a more balanced value.

New Aptitudes, skills, feats, etc.

Before adding a new element to the game, discuss if the new element will actually be useful, is balanced compare to other elements in the game and is sufficiently different from something that already exists.

Things to be done

Here is a unordered list of things you can do to help develop the game right now

Leftover from the previous system: Some rules have changed from the original games, but some terms might have been missed during the conversion. Terms like Armor Class is replaced with Defense, Save and Saving throws by resistance. You can change to the new term without needing to discuss the change.

Incomplete modifier description: Most modifier lack a proper modifier type. If the modifier type is obvious, just add it, if you are nor sure, discuss it. Checks modifiers and DC modifiers do not really have a different impact on the original game. With the Ogre rpg, check modifiers are more dangerous than DC modifier. Some modifiers from the original game need to be converted from one type to another. Check Modifiers Section for more details.

Create link for game term: Each time an Aptitude, Skill, Feat, Special Condition or any game term is used, the term should have link to the page that describe it.