Pretty Deathknight Thanasia

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Character Sheet

Hayakawa Noriko, aka Pretty Deathknight Thanasia

Mind: 9
Soul: 6
Body: 5


Alternate Identity 1 (2pts)

Item: (Deathscythe) (14 points)
Weapon Scythe 10, Blight 4, Drain 3 Soul, Incurable 2, Reach 1, Hands

Combat Technique – Multiple Targets (Reaping Strike) (2pts)

Divine Relationship (Ancestral Sprits) 3 (6pts)

Environmental Influence – Darkness (Death's Shadow) (2pts)

Heightened Awareness (Death Sense) 2 (4pts)

Projection (Visions of Death) 6 (2 projections) (37pts)

Sixth Sense – ghosts and spirits (I See Dead People) (2pts)

Telepathy (Speak to the Dead) (only capable of communicating with the spirits of the dead) 4 (16pts)

Teleport (Death's Door) 4, Targets 2 (up to 5 people 10km) (42pts)

Burglary 3 (6pts)
Cultural Arts (Funerary Practices and Rituals) 5 (5pts)
Medical 2 (4pts)
Stealth 3 (9pts)
Visual Arts 3 (3pts)
Writing 5 (5pts)

Blind Fury (disrespecting the dead) -2
Cursed (family curse) -2
Nemesis (teachers and principal at school) -1
Recurring Nightmares (everyone she knows and loves dying horribly) -2
Skeleton in the closet -2 (Magic Girl)

Combat Value: 6
Attack Combat Value: 6
Defense Combat Value: 6

Damage Multiplier: 5

Health Points: 110
Energy Points: 75
Shock Value: 11



While Noriko's family may be solidly middle-class now, they are descended from an unfortunate samurai, who in the Sengoku era desecrated a graveyard and was cursed for it. Noriko's fascination with the dead was born from this family history, though the curse still lingers on. However, the spirits of her ancestors who have been affected by the curse have chosen her to finally remove it from the family legacy, granting her powers of death and spirit communication to act as the defender of the sanctity of the dead. As Pretty Deathknight Thanasia, she works against those who threaten the realm of the afterlife, who disrespect the deceased, and who abuse the power to kill.


From an early age Noriko has been obsessed with death and dying, which has given her a very morbid outlook on life. Sarcastic, gloomy, and cynical, she only attends school because she has nothing better to do. However, she pretty much ignores the teachers and the school rules, and is regularly written up for dress code violations, not paying attention in class, and scaring the other students with her general spooky aura.

She would rather speak with the spirits of the dead who are constantly around her (the dead are everywhere, after all) than her living classmates, who she sees as boring and too focused on the here and now. Her only real concerns are for the dead: she strives to make sure the dead are remembered properly, and not disrespected. Her anger at those who treat the dead callously, either physically or via words, can be nothing short of epic.`