Rails Through Hell: Torgul

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Torgul Thunderhand

Demon: After what happened on my last mission with the Storm Titans, I'll do anything - anything - to avoid losing another team member on this mission.​

  • Personality trait: I cannot abide those who prey on others.
  • Ideal: Unity. In these dark times, we must work together to succeed.
  • Bond: I would die to protect my comrades in arms.
  • Flaw: I overestimate how much working together can actually achieve in reality.


  • Ogrun Fighter (Storm Knight) Level 6
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Background: Storm Titan [Iron Fang]
  • Essence: Mighty



  • STR: 20 (+5)
  • DEX: 10 (+0)
  • CON: 16 (+3)
  • INT: 8 (-1)
  • WIS: 12 (+1)
  • CHA: 11 (+0)


  • Heavy Armour Master (+1 Str, reduce S/P/B damage by 3)
  • Great Weapon Master (bonus action melee attack after a crit or dropping an enemy; on each attack can choose -5 to hit for +10 damage)

Combat Details

  • AC: 20 (plate, shield)
  • HP: 58
  • Speed: 30’
  • Proficiency: +3
  • Immunities: lightning
  • Resistances: fire, cold, acid

Skills and Proficiencies

  • Proficiencies: Light Armour, Medium Armour, Heavy Armour, Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
  • Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
  • Skills: Persuasion, Athletics, Acrobatics, Intimidation, Perception
  • Tool Proficiencies: None
  • Languages: Molgur-Og, Cruor, Goblin

Saving Throws

  • Strength +8
  • Dexterity +0
  • Constitution +6
  • Intelligence -1
  • Wisdom +1
  • Charisma +0


Athletics +8
Acrobatics +3
Intimidation +3
Perception +4
Persuasion +3

Traits and Features

Potent Strikes (melee crits roll 1 more weapon die and drop lowest)
Powerful Build (2 sizes larger for carrying capacities)
Wall of Iron (+1 AC when within 5' of an ally; bonus action weapon attack after Helping an ally's attack)
Huge Stature (wield 2h weapons in one hand, always use greater Versatile die)
Imposing Presence (proficiency in Persuasion)
Thick-Skinned (+1 AC when not in heavy armour)
Fighting Style: Dueling (+2 damage to weapons in one hand)
Second Wind (1d10+6)
Action Surge
Training Complete
Extra Attack


Storm Greatglaive +8 melee, 2d6+7 slashing plus 1d4 lightning
Storm Generator +3 ranged 20/60, 1d8 lightning
Javelin +8 thrown 30/120, 1d6+7 piercing
Dagger +8 melee or 20/60 thrown, 1d4+7 piercing
Heavy crossbow +3 ranged 100/400, 1d10 piercing


heavy crossbow
20 bolts
two handaxes
an explorer's pack (a backpack, bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, waterskin, 50 feet of hempen rope)
Storm Knight Plate (with Clockwork Capacitor - Output 2, 10 charges, lifespan 1 day, recharge 15 minutes of winding - and Runeplate with Heightened Strength Rune - bonus action, Advantage on Strength checks for 1 minute; Acid, Fire, and Cold Resistance treatments)
Storm Greatglaive (4 power for 1 minute. With additional Accuracy Rune [1]. Storm chamber: Charges 20, output 5, recharge 1d8 at each start of turn)
Storm Titan symbol of rank
trophy taken from an enemy (a broken sword-hilt from the beforetimes taken from an undead),
set of common clothes
pouch containing 52 gp, 8sp
Wrist-spring holster (for a dagger)
Dagger, 2
Javelin, 6
Chain, 50 feet
Grappling hook
Block and tackle
Portable ram
Bullseye Lantern
Oil, 10
Spare Chain Shirt
Healing potion, 2
Uncommon magic item: Lightning Boots [Winged Boots]


The Storm Titans are a specialised unit of very tall elite soldiers famed for their use of electromechanikal weaponry. Torgul joined the military at a young age and showed the right qualities (tremendous height, strength, and the judiciousness to use it well) to be permitted to audition to join their ranks, where he excelled. The Titans have been part of many of the sallies made from time to time to scout the surface world. Torgul has fought on the surface, and brought back a shattered sword taken from a walking corpse he destroyed. Many of his unit were slain in that excursion, and when Torgul returned he took an extended leave of absence that seemed to stretch indefinitely. He eventually began to take work as a mercenary, embarking on forays to counter the occasional things that bubbled up from the depths or to travel dangerous lands offering protection for those searching for something, above or below.


Despite his terrifying stature - especially in wargear - Torgul is quite a mild personality, conscious of his power and his role as an elite protector of the people and prosecutor of their enemies. He is careful that his size and strength do not cause chaos, and is willing to put them to use to help others even when he is not on the battlefield. Many have tried to persuade him to compete against steamjacks in industrial trials. Where he is firm is in the defence of others, especially his friends; and in his insistence that working together is the best way to do things. In battle, he acts quickly and decisively, playing to his strengths.